Operation Pentecost – completed? | Operation Pfingsten – Abgeschlossen? | Opération Pentecôte – terminée ? | ऑपरेशन पेंटेकोस्ट – पूरा हुआ? | ペンテコステ作戦 – 完了しましたか? | 오순절 작전 – 완료되었습니까? | Operação Pentecostes – concluída?

“This operation is complete. But there is still so much to do. Let’s move on straight away…”

“Diese Operation ist abgeschlossen. Aber es ist noch so viel zu tun. Machen wir direkt weiter…”

“यह ऑपरेशन पूरा हो गया है। लेकिन अभी भी बहुत कुछ करना बाकी है। चलिए सीधे आगे बढ़ते हैं…”


“이 작업은 완료되었습니다. 하지만 아직 할 일이 너무 많습니다. 바로 진행하겠습니다…”

“Esta operação está concluída. Mas ainda há muito o que fazer. Vamos logo em frente…”

Leftist YouTube Is Evolving

Noah Samsen made a follow-up video about Leftist YouTube. And he does a Q&A. We can’t leave it out. No, really. Well, here it is!

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patreon: https://www.patreon.com/samsen
twitter: https://twitter.com/nsamsen
twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/noahsamsen
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/noahsamsen/

A Practical Guide to Leftist YouTube

What are we going to do? We need more overview! But who could go on this journey and look through all the material available? Oh look, there is Noah Samsen! And he made an introduction to left leaning YouTube, featuring some of his favorite creators. We can start from here, I guess. So here it is.

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Noah Samsen’s Social Media:
patreon: https://www.patreon.com/samsen
twitter: https://twitter.com/nsamsen
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/noahsamsen/
twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/noahsamsen

Covetous Convergence: The Avarice of the Titan

Good thing he was wearing that hazmat suit. The night in the desert was cold. But the sun’s rays had just risen and the researcher knew exactly that the cold was now being replaced by the relentless heat of the day. The Sahara was just not a destination for occasional tourists. Even if many tourists went to the Sahara.
The researcher activated his visor scanner and surveyed the cave in the rock. Perhaps now, at this early hour, he would find something. But probably not. The trail he was following was probably already cold.

How could that have happened? The researcher never thought that someone who was so committed to the law would suddenly go astray because of small things. Just because of this artifact that supposedly promised a new life? That statement alone, a new life… what should one imagine by that? How could a layman come across such a papyrus, which would have been an archaeological sensation, if it could have been examined by scientists. But no, the person really wanted to find what the papyrus promised.

New life. Whatever had happened, the researcher would no longer be able to understand it. He had followed the trail, but he hadn’t found everything. The alleged blue pyramid, for example, which should be hidden somewhere in the sands of Egypt. The Hidden City of Nut-Ankh-Aris. All these were names that probably had no real meaning.

But at least he had found the cave under the mountain. Someone must have been here too. But what then? Tracks led to the cave, none back. But there was nobody in the cave either. Did the person find the artifact? And if so, what happened then? Nobody would be able to say that anymore. What could it possibly be, this “new life”?

Luckily the researcher didn’t turn around. Otherwise he would have found his question answered and probably lost his mind at the sight.

The ALLEGED Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling (What The Megan Phelps Podcast Won’t Tell You)

Do we have to bring this up again? Oh yeah! Because it just doesn’t get better, on the contrary, it gets worse. The author of the Harry Potter novels, JK Rowling (but you may have already known this) has once again said things that cannot go unchallenged in a podcast entitled “The Witch Trials of JK Rowling”. And here is Caelen Conrad doing just that. That’s why the episode is called: “The Alleged Witch Trials of JK Rowling”.

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One time tips on Ko-Fi!: https://ko-fi.com/caelan

Liberapay: https://liberapay.com/CaelanConrad

How to Watch Star Wars, Part Two: The Special Editions Are the Movies, Get Over It

It took Rick Worley quite some time to continue his essays about Star Wars. It was worth the wait, because he shows us where the infamous (and idiotic) quote “George Lucas r*ped my childhood” originated. He says about his video about the different versions of the Star Wars movies: “Hopefully it’s worth the wait for the people who have been asking for this. I think it’s the most comprehensive video that’s been made about the changes to the different versions of the Star Wars movies, and also a discussion about how and why the changes exist and why some of them are controversial, and a discussion about film preservation in general and why art changes over time. It’s divided into three parts so you can watch it episodically if you want, but I didn’t want to post it as three separate videos because it’s all interrelated.”

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How to Watch Star Wars, Part One: The Prequels Are Better Movies Than You Deserve

It’s more than twenty years of stray observations about the films and especially the prequels which should be interesting to people, and a rebuttal to Red Letter Media and all those other terrible YouTube reviews, hopefully combined into an interesting essay. And this is what Rick Worley has done.

He says: “Being me, it talks a lot about Bob Dylan and Kubrick and all those other guys I’m always on about, and I could have cut it down or cut it up into separate videos, but in the end I didn’t want to. It all ties together, and I think it’s interesting.

For all the people over the years who ask why I like the Star Wars prequels so much and I’ve said it’s a complicated subject that takes a long time to get into, well, it looks like 2 hours and 20 minutes is about how long it takes to get into, and here’s your answer!”

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The Star Wars Prequel Trilogy: From Democracy To Dictatorship

George Lucas saw a lot of things coming that people back in 1999 did not want to admit. It’s up to us to ultimately prove him wrong.

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American reacts to ‘Bernd das Brot’ (Weird German bread guy)

Thank you for watching a humble American react to Bernd das Brot!

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Heruntergefahren | Shutdown | Fermer | शट डाउन | シャットダウン | 일시 휴업 | Desligar


Cassandra Brown stand da und konnte ihren Augen nicht glauben. Geschah das gerade wirklich? Die Server, die vor ihr standen, gaben merkwürdige Blinksignale von sich. Die Lichter blinkten in einer Anordnung, die sie zuvor nur für kurze Zeiträume gesehen hatte. Immer wieder mal hatte es Ausfälle gegeben. Oder die Sperrungen, weil der Konzern der Meinung war, dass manche Dinge nicht gut wären. Cassandra knirschte mit den Zähnen. “Der Konzern”. Es war doch klar, an wen sie dachte. Schon seit langem hatte ASTROCOHORS CLUB befürchtet, dass das passieren könnte. Und nun war es passiert.

Sie aktivierte ihre Kommunikationseinheit. “Yefimov, hören Sie mich?” sprach sie in den Raum, “Brown hier.”
“Yefimov hier”, war die Antwort ein paar Sekunden später, “fahren Sie fort.”
“Yefimov, wir haben ein Problem hier. Den Anzeigen nach hat uns der Konzern die Server abgeschaltet. Die Verbindungslinien sind nicht mehr aktiv.”
“Mist!”, antwortete der Professor über den Funk. “Das kommt schneller, als wir befürchtet haben. Wie weit sind unsere eigenen Server?”
“Wir sind noch nicht ganz fertig”, gab Cassandra zu. “Aber spielt das jetzt eine Rolle?”
“Richtig. Es spielt eigentlich keine Rolle. Wir müssen reagieren. Was schätzen Sie, wie lange Sie brauchen?”
“Ein paar Tage. Vielleicht bis zum Wochenende, bevor alles stabil läuft. Wir müssen die Leute neu planen. Und Resourcen neu verwenden.”
“Dann fangen Sie am besten direkt damit an”, sagte Yefimov. “Der Codename dafür ist ‘Operation Pfingsten’. Das passt, finde ich.”
“Sehr lyrisch, Sir.”
“Danke. Passen Sie auf, dass Sie die Verbindung zu der Abtei in Portugal halten. Wir müssen die Berichte von Dorak unbedingt rüberkriegen. Alles klar?”
“Verstanden, Sir!”
“Dann los!”


Cassandra Brown stood there and couldn’t believe her eyes. Did that really just happen? The servers in front of her gave strange blinking signals. The lights blinked in an arrangement she had only seen for brief periods before. There were always failures. Or the shutdowns because the coproration felt some things weren’t good. Cassandra gritted her teeth. “The corporation”. It was clear who she was thinking of. ASTROCOHORS CLUB had long feared that this might happen. And now it had happened.

She activated her communications unit. “Yefimov, do you hear me?” she spoke into the room, “Brown here.”
“Yefimov here,” was the reply a few seconds later, “continue.”
“Yefimov, we have a problem here. According to the reports, the corporation has shut down our servers. The connection lines are no longer active.”
“Shit!” the professor replied over the radio. “It’s coming faster than we feared. How far along are our own servers?”
“We’re not quite done yet,” Cassandra admitted. “But does that matter now?”
“Right. It doesn’t really matter. We have to react. How long do you estimate it will take you?”
“A couple of days. Maybe until the weekend before things are stable. We need to reschedule people. And reallocate resources.”
“Then it’s best to start right away,” said Yefimov. “The code name for it is ‘Operation Pentecost’. I think that fits.”
“Very lyrical, sir.”
“Thank you. Make sure you keep in touch with the abbey in Portugal. We really need to get Dorak’s reports across. All right?”
“Understood, sir!”
“Let’s go!”


Cassandra Brown se tenait là et n’en croyait pas ses yeux. Cela vient-il vraiment d’arriver ? Les serveurs devant elle émettaient d’étranges signaux clignotants. Les lumières clignotaient selon un arrangement qu’elle n’avait vu que pendant de brèves périodes auparavant. Il y a toujours eu des échecs. Ou les fermetures parce que l’entreprise a estimé que certaines choses n’allaient pas bien. Cassandre serra les dents. “L’entrepise”. Il était clair à qui elle pensait. Le CLUB ASTROCOHORS avait longtemps craint que cela n’arrive. Et maintenant c’était arrivé.

Elle activa son unité de communication. “Efimov, m’entendez-vous?” elle a parlé dans la pièce, “Brown ici.”
“Yefimov ici”, a été la réponse quelques secondes plus tard, “continuez”.
“Efimov, nous avons un problème ici. Selon les rapports, l’entreprise a fermé nos serveurs. Les lignes de connexion ne sont plus actives.”
“Merde !” répondit le professeur par radio. “Ça arrive plus vite que nous ne le craignions. Où en sont nos propres serveurs ?”
“Nous n’avons pas encore tout à fait fini”, a admis Cassandra. « Mais est-ce que ça compte maintenant ?
“D’accord. Cela n’a pas vraiment d’importance. Nous devons réagir. Combien de temps pensez-vous que cela vous prendra ?”
“Quelques jours. Peut-être jusqu’au week-end avant que les choses ne soient stables. Nous devons reprogrammer les gens. Et réaffecter les ressources.”
“Alors il vaut mieux commencer tout de suite”, a déclaré Yefimov. “Le nom de code pour cela est ‘Opération Pentecôte’. Je pense que cela convient.”
“Très lyrique, monsieur.”
“Merci. Assurez-vous de rester en contact avec l’abbaye au Portugal. Nous avons vraiment besoin de faire passer les rapports de Dorak. D’accord ?”
“Compris, monsieur !”

शट डाउन

कैसेंड्रा ब्राउन वहाँ खड़ी थी और उसे अपनी आँखों पर विश्वास नहीं हो रहा था। क्या सचमुच ऐसा ही हुआ? उसके सामने के सर्वर ने अजीब तरह से पलक झपकते संकेत दिए। रोशनी एक ऐसी व्यवस्था में झपकती है जिसे उसने पहले केवल कुछ ही समय के लिए देखा था। हमेशा असफलताएँ मिलीं। या लॉकडाउन क्योंकि कंपनी को लगा कि कुछ चीजें अच्छी नहीं हैं। कैसेंड्रा ने अपने दांत पीस लिए। “समूह”। यह स्पष्ट था कि वह किसके बारे में सोच रही थी। एस्ट्रोकोहोर्स क्लब को लंबे समय से डर था कि ऐसा हो सकता है। और अब यह हो गया था।

उसने अपनी संचार इकाई को सक्रिय कर दिया। “येफिमोव, क्या तुम मुझे सुनते हो?” वह कमरे में बोली, “यहाँ ब्राउन।”
“येफिमोव यहाँ,” कुछ सेकंड बाद जवाब था, “जारी रखें।”
“येफिमोव, हमें यहां एक समस्या है। रिपोर्टों के अनुसार, निगम ने हमारे सर्वर बंद कर दिए हैं। कनेक्शन लाइनें अब सक्रिय नहीं हैं।”
“शिट!” प्रोफेसर ने रेडियो पर उत्तर दिया। “यह हमारे डर से कहीं अधिक तेजी से आ रहा है। हमारे अपने सर्वर कितने दूर हैं?”
कैसेंड्रा ने स्वीकार किया, “हम अभी तक पूरी तरह से तैयार नहीं हुए हैं।” “लेकिन क्या यह अब मायने रखता है?”
“ठीक है। यह वास्तव में मायने नहीं रखता। हमें प्रतिक्रिया करनी है। आप कितना समय अनुमान लगाते हैं कि यह आपको ले जाएगा?”
“कुछ दिन। शायद सप्ताहांत तक चीजें स्थिर होने से पहले। हमें लोगों को पुनर्निर्धारित करने की आवश्यकता है। और संसाधनों को पुनः आवंटित करें।”
“तो यह सबसे अच्छा है कि अभी से शुरू कर दिया जाए,” येफिमोव ने कहा। “इसका कोड नाम ‘ऑपरेशन पेंटेकोस्ट’ है। मुझे लगता है कि यह फिट बैठता है।”
“बहुत गेय, सर।”
“धन्यवाद। सुनिश्चित करें कि आप पुर्तगाल में मठ के संपर्क में रहें। हमें वास्तव में दोराक की रिपोर्ट प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है। ठीक है?”
“समझ गया, सर!”
“चल दर!”


カサンドラ・ブラウンはそこに立って、自分の目を信じられませんでした。 それは本当にたった今起こったのですか? 彼女の前のサーバーは奇妙な点滅信号を出しました。 ライトは、彼女がこれまで短期間しか見たことのない配置で点滅した。 失敗は常にありました。 あるいは、会社がいくつかのことが良くないと感じたためにロックダウンされた。 カサンドラは歯を食いしばった。 “グループ”。 彼女が誰のことを考えているかは明らかだった。 ASTROCOHORS CLUB は、このようなことが起こるのではないかと長年懸念していました。 そして今、それは起こったのです。

彼女は通信ユニットを起動しました。 「エフィモフ、聞こえますか?」 彼女は部屋に向かって「ブラウン、ここにいるよ」と言いました。
「クソ!」と教授は無線で答えた。 「懸念していたよりも早く進んでいます。私たちのサーバーはどこまで進んでいるでしょうか?」
「私たちはまだ完全には終わっていません」とカサンドラは認めた。 「でも、それは今は重要ですか?」
「それなら、すぐに始めるのが最善だ」とエフィモフ氏は言った。 「コードネームは『ペンテコスト作戦』です。それがぴったりだと思います。」

일시 휴업

카산드라 브라운은 거기 서서 자신의 눈을 믿을 수 없었다. 정말 방금 일어난 일입니까? 그녀 앞에 있는 서버는 이상한 깜박임 신호를 보냈습니다. 그녀가 이전에 잠시 동안만 보았던 배열로 표시등이 깜박였습니다. 항상 실패가있었습니다. 또는 회사가 좋지 않다고 느꼈기 때문에 봉쇄되었습니다. 카산드라는 이를 악물었다. “그룹”. 그녀가 누구를 생각하고 있는지는 분명했다. ASTROCOHORS CLUB은 이런 일이 일어날 수 있다고 오랫동안 두려워했습니다. 그리고 지금 그 일이 일어났습니다.

그녀는 통신 장치를 활성화했습니다. “예피모프, 내 말 들려?” 그녀는 방에 대고 말했다. “여기 갈색이야.”
“Yefimov 여기”는 몇 초 후에 “계속”이라는 응답이었습니다.
“예피모프, 여기에 문제가 생겼습니다. 보고에 따르면 회사에서 서버를 종료했습니다. 연결선이 더 이상 활성화되지 않습니다.”
“젠장!” 교수가 라디오를 통해 대답했다. “우리가 두려워했던 것보다 더 빨리 다가오고 있습니다. 우리 서버는 얼마나 멀까요?”
“우리는 아직 끝나지 않았습니다.” 카산드라가 인정했습니다. “근데 그게 지금 중요해?”
“알았어. 그건 별로 중요하지 않아. 우리는 대응해야 해. 얼마나 걸릴 것 같니?”
“며칠. 아마도 상황이 안정되기 전 주말까지. 우리는 사람들의 일정을 변경해야 합니다. 그리고 자원을 재할당해야 합니다.”
“그렇다면 바로 시작하는 것이 가장 좋습니다.”라고 Yefimov가 말했습니다. “암호명은 ‘오순절 작전’입니다. 맞는 것 같아요.”
“매우 서정적입니다.”
“고마워요. 포르투갈에 있는 수도원과 계속 연락하세요. Dorak의 보고서를 꼭 전달해야 합니다. 알았죠?”


Cassandra Brown ficou lá e não podia acreditar em seus olhos. Isso realmente acabou de acontecer? Os servidores à sua frente deram sinais estranhos piscando. As luzes piscavam em um arranjo que ela só tinha visto por breves períodos antes. Sempre houve falhas. Ou os bloqueios porque a corporação sentiu que algumas coisas não estavam boas. Cassandra cerrou os dentes. “A corporação”. Estava claro em quem ela estava pensando. O ASTROCOHORS CLUB há muito temia que isso pudesse acontecer. E agora aconteceu.

Ela ativou sua unidade de comunicação. “Yefimov, você está me ouvindo?” ela falou na sala, “Brown aqui.”
“Yefimov aqui”, foi a resposta alguns segundos depois, “continuar”.
“Yefimov, temos um problema aqui. De acordo com os relatórios, a corporação desligou nossos servidores. As linhas de conexão não estão mais ativas.”
“Merda!”, respondeu o professor pelo rádio. “Está chegando mais rápido do que temíamos. Até que ponto estão nossos próprios servidores?”
“Ainda não terminamos”, admitiu Cassandra. “Mas isso importa agora?”
“Certo. Realmente não importa. Temos que reagir. Quanto tempo você estima que vai levar?”
“Alguns dias. Talvez até o fim de semana antes que as coisas estejam estáveis. Precisamos reagendar as pessoas. E realocar recursos.”
“Então é melhor começar imediatamente”, disse Yefimov. “O codinome para isso é ‘Operação Pentecostes’. Acho que se encaixa.”
“Muito lírico, senhor.”
“Obrigado. Certifique-se de manter contato com a abadia em Portugal. Nós realmente precisamos transmitir os relatórios de Dorak. Tudo bem?”
“Entendido, senhor!”

Revolt of the Cars – A Starter for Sophie | ACC #088

The comic series “Sophie” was invented and drawn by the Belgian artist Jidéhem. But the beginning of this series is anything but easy, as the publishing management was initially not convinced that a series with a girl as the protagonist would work. Another series called “Starter” about a car mechanic had to – in the truest sense of the word – provide jump starters.

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► Mastodon: https://mstdn.social/@astrocohorsclub
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► Support via Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/astrocohorsclub
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ASTROCOHORS CLUB is part of the collaboration of ASTROCOHORS COMMAND and PHAN.PRO:
► ASTROCOHORS COMMAND: https://www.astrocohors.com
► PHAN.PRO (German only): https://phan.pro

Why VHS won – The Format Wars

Welcome to this video essay about the “format war” between VHS and Betamax, a fascinating battle that took place in the late 1970s and early 1980s, which shaped the future of home video. In this video, Phil Edwards explores the differences between these two formats, the strategies employed by their respective manufacturers, and how VHS ultimately emerged as the victor. Along the way, he’ll also examine the impact of this format war on the home video industry and the way we consume media today. So sit back, relax, and join us as we dive into the history of the VHS vs Betamax format war.

Or to put it in another way: Be kind, rewind, and destroy your Betamax enemies.

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Phil Edwards’ Social Media:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/philedwardsinc
Twitter: https://twitter.com/philedwardsinc
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/philedwardsinc


“Psycho” is a classic movie directed by Alfred Hitchcock about Norman Bates and his special relationship to his mother. Time to introduce this piece of art to the Rob Squad!

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The Shot in the Artificial Back of the Head – Nick Knatterton | ACC #087

Nick Knatterton was a comic series that appeared in the German magazine Quick from 1950 to 1959 and starred a master detective of the same name. Author and illustrator of the series was Manfred Schmidt. According to Manfred Schmidt, he actually wanted to use Knatterton to parody the American Superman comics. The name alludes to Nick Carter and Nat Pinkerton, two pre-war magazine-style crime novel series.

In this episode we take a look at the historical background of the creation of the series and the first episode with the unwieldy title: “The shot in the artificial back of the head”.

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AMERICAN IN SPACE – Every Sci-Fi Movie in the 50s

Oh brave new world, that has such butts in’t!
(This isn’t Star Trek.)

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