Bryan Kohberger and the Myth of the Bullied Kid who Seeks Revenge

When a crime occurs, there are now very many people who try to jump on the bandwagon and gain money and/or fame by spreading wild speculation and stories. Rebecca Watson looks at one such case in this video.

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The Alt-Right Playbook: An Analysis

What are the rhetorical strategies the Alt-Right uses to legitimize itself and gain power? An important point to know. How do these strategies work? Why do they work? How do we keep from falling for them? How do we catch ourselves when we start using them, too? Innuendo Studios is looking into this matter in a series of essays, hoping that everything will be clearer then. Now let’s take a deep breath…

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Mort & Phil – Information Agency | ACC #086

In today’s episode we present another comic series from Europe. This time the series comes from Spain, was invented by Francisco Ibanez Talavera (Francisco Ibanez for short) and is originally called “Mortadelo y Filemon”. The English title is “Mort & Phil”, in this episode we look at the beginnings.

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Harry Bobber and the Typographer’s Moan

Once upon a time, in a world filled with magic and wonder, there was a young boy named Harry Potter. He lived a mundane life with his abusive aunt and uncle, until the day he discovered that he was a wizard.
As Harry began his journey at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he faced many challenges and made countless friends, including Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. However, as they navigated the magical world and faced off against the dark wizard Voldemort, they also encountered instances of transphobia.
JK Rowling, the creator of the Harry Potter series, has faced criticism for her past comments and actions regarding the transgender community. While the themes of love and acceptance are present in the Harry Potter series, it is important to recognize and acknowledge the harm caused by these instances of transphobia.
Despite this, the story of Harry Potter remains a beloved and influential one, full of adventure, friendship, and the power of love to conquer hate. “Ironic”, as a character of another franchise would say it.
To start this insight, let’s look back at an essay by Sarah Z, where she traces the Harry Potter series author’s journey towards transphobia. An exploration of a terrible manifesto, separating the art from the artist, and Hatsune Miku.

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Now let’s look at it from a trans woman’s perspective: the damage the author is causing and the consequences for people. It’s not just about the Harry Potter series, but also about other works:

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Let’s take a look at Harry Potter as a whole and what problems there are in general. Shaun has something to tell:

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Let’s just stick with Shaun. In addition to the Harry Potter series, he also looked at what the author has said about herself and the people she surrounds herself with:

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Let’s look at it again from a trans woman’s perspective. Jessie Gender usually covers nerd stuff, but to her own frustration it’s sometimes necessary to also talk about the author of the Harry Potter series and her testimonies:

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The iilluminaughtii has also become aware of the author and her publications on specific matters. Let’s have a look. This begs the question of whether the author’s Patronus is a TERF:

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Obviously, a year cannot end without being kicked again. At the turn of the year from 2022 to 2023 it was time again, “She who must not be named” tweeted. The tweet was against Jessie Gender, and she was quite surprised:

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Unfortunately, what followed was to be expected. Samtha Lux gives us some more details:

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What came after the tweet is what prompted Jessie to do her latest “JK Rowling” themed video. She covers everything that concerns the author, from “Hogwarts Legacy” to “Fantastic Beasts”. She is going to go over everything.

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And here is Steve Shives asking a simple question: “How Hard Is It to Not Buy a Video Game?” Interesting question…

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Another voice to “Harry Potter”. Hoots also takes a look at the series as a whole and the things that seem odd at second glance (maybe even at first glance). She specifically asks the question, “Is Harry Potter bad?”

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In conclusion, the controversy surrounding JK Rowling and her transphobic writings cannot be ignored. While she has been a beloved and influential author for many, her actions and words have caused harm to the transgender community. It is important to acknowledge and recognize this harm, and to continue to strive for acceptance and inclusivity in all aspects of society.

As we move forward, it is crucial that we continue to have open and honest conversations about these issues, and to actively work towards creating a more inclusive and compassionate world. While the past cannot be changed, we have the power to shape the future and create a more just and equitable society for all. This is the point we are at now, and it is up to us to take action and make a difference.

Korean reaction who’s on first | Abbott & Costello

“Who’s on First” is a classic comedy sketch by the American comedy duo, Bud Abbott and Lou Costello. It was first performed on radio in 1938 and later became a popular stage routine and movie scene. The sketch features a hilarious conversation between Abbott, who is trying to explain the positions of players on a baseball team to Costello, but the misunderstanding arises due to the players’ unusual and humorous names. The routine has become a timeless classic, renowned for its wordplay, comedic timing, and absurdity, and continues to be celebrated and imitated in popular culture to this day.

This classic is so timeless, that the Korean Group KPO TV can watch it today and still enjoy it. Let’s join them.

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“There is a Hole in Your Mind” – A Cognitive Psychologist’s Autopsy of “Irreversible Damage”

Abigail Shrier’s book “Irreversible Damage” purports to be a critical examination of the rise of transgender youth and the medical treatments that are often prescribed to them. However, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that the book is riddled with problematic and harmful content that spreads misinformation and fear about transgender individuals and the medical community that serves them.

From the very beginning, Shrier sets a tone of alarm and misinformation, suggesting that there is a “transgender craze” sweeping the nation and that young people are being rushed into medical treatments without proper understanding or consideration of the consequences. This is not only untrue, but it also perpetuates harmful myths about transgender individuals and the medical professionals who work with them.

Furthermore, Shrier’s book relies on anecdotes and cherry-picked data to support her arguments, while ignoring or dismissing the wealth of scientific research and expert opinions that support the efficacy and safety of medical treatments for transgender youth. This not only undermines the credibility of the book, but also contributes to the spread of misinformation and fear about a vulnerable and marginalized community.

This is the story about the journey that Cass Eris, a cognitive psychologist, did through this book to give us the details about it. It is a lot to unpack, but it’s worth doing it.

Introduction, from a cognitive psychologist

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Rapid-onset gender dysphoria?

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Who’s to blame, according to Shrier

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The Therapists’ “peculiar mandate”

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Dissident: Zucker

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Shrier, Blanchard, and Bailey, oh my!

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The remaining “dissidents”, well out of pocket

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Celebrities, forgotten Ls, and women’s rights

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Puberty blockers

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Why Shrier thinks people would transition

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Is There a Trans Cult?

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A detransitioned gender critical woman’s story

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The Way Back?

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The End of Irreversible Damage: Updates and Stories

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Black Capitalism & The Sitcom

This is Lil’Bill. He is basically Jon Stewart for black people. In this he is looking at the relationship between Black Capitalism & Sitcoms of the 80s and 90s.

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The Damage Report Live: Silicon Valley Bank Investigated & Tucker Parrots Putin Talking Points

“The Damage Report” is an unflinching, no holds barred accounting of the damage done by the Trump administration, and the day by day battle to hold the Biden administration accountable. The Damage Report host Francesca Fiorentini is joined by Jayar Jackson, host of The Watchlist, for Big News Wednesday!

The DOJ opens investigations into Silicon Valley Bank collapse, and Democrats are questioned for deregulation votes. Russia shoots down a US drone over the Black Sea, and many of Tucker’s talking points parrot Putin’s. Big Pharma slashes prices on insulin, but not for the greater good. Ohio Attorney General announces lawsuit over Norfolk Southern train derailment. A Starbucks Karen emerges in a homophobic rampage in Miami. Conservatives still can’t define woke, but won’t stop talking about it. ‘Ivermectin Influencer’ dies after spreading the seed of anti-vax misinformation. Conservatives combust after Drew Barrymore brings a trans Tiktoker on her show.

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Hogwarts Legacy & Harry Potter Meinung – Kaufen oder Boykott?

Das Spiel „Hogwarts Legacy“ ist nun rund einen Monat für PC, Playstation und Xbox heraus, eine weitere Version soll Anfang April herauskommen. Die Kontroverse um die Erfinderin des Harry-Potter-Universums, J. K. Rowling und ihre feindselige Einstellung zu Transpersonen ist schon vor diesem Termin aufgekommen. Lilischote, eine Transfrau, trägt in diesem Video ihre eigene Meinung zu dem Thema vor und bringt etwas Licht in die Ereignisse, die das Spiel umwabern.

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Behind Brazil’s Failed Coup / Por trás do golpe fracassado no Brasil

In January 2023 there was an uprising in Brazil that is very reminiscent of events in the USA. Supporters of ousted President Bolsonaro attacked various state institutions. In this video from “Ordinary Things” we learn the history of the coup and its aftermath. Something that needs to be talked about.
Em janeiro de 2023 houve uma revolta no Brasil que lembra muito os acontecimentos nos EUA. Apoiadores do presidente deposto Bolsonaro atacaram várias instituições estatais. Neste vídeo de “Ordinary Things”, aprendemos a história do golpe e suas consequências. Algo que precisa ser falado.

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Eine kleine Geschichte der Drei ??? – Hörspiele (Video-Essay)

Die Drei ??? gibt es nun schon seit über 50 Jahren. Ihre Popularität wirkt aber größer als jemals zuvor. In diesem Video-Essay wird jede Ära der Drei Detektive beleuchtet und versucht die Frage zu beantworten, ob die neuen Folgen der Hörspielserie wirklich schlechter sind. Außerdem wagt man einen spekulativen Blick in die Zukunft.

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At the End of Day One

“All right,” Antonia Bagliarotto remarked, “the first new day went well. But if things continue like this, I’m afraid it will collapse.”
Professor Yefimov nodded his approval. “I know,” he said. “You and your colleague Agda Skold are not enough to process everything that our friend from Portugal is sending.”
“You could say that! Dorak is very productive, I have to give him that. But now that we’re moving everything to the new headquarters, it’s going to be difficult.”
“No worries.” The professor looked confident. “I got the confirmation from the command staff: Tomorrow new employees will introduce themselves. We will put together a large team. And then everything will go as we imagine.”
“That would be great!” She smiled. Then she turned to another topic: “How long do you think Jarmo Dorak will be in Portugal?”
Yefimov shrugged. “I have no idea,” he admitted. “Why? Do you miss him?”
“That’s not the point! He drove into this monastery quite surprisingly, one of the last departments of this kind that ASTROCOHORS still maintains. And his reports contain a few details that strike me as strange. What happens there?”
“I wish I knew exactly. You know Dorak, if he smells a secret, he wants to find out. Starting with the Temple of the Wind Harp, after which he was missing for six years and now with this monastery.” The professor took a breath. “However, I have to admit that I’m also quite curious about that. You said it before, it’s the only department of this kind that ASTROCOHORS still maintains. What’s behind it?”
“I’m sure,” Antonia said confidently, “if there’s a secret, Jarmo will find out!”
Yefimov smiled. “Then I want to share your optimism. Let’s wait and see what else comes out. But for now let’s take care of the headquarters. Starting tomorrow, things will be much easier!”

He smiled to himself. Yes, he thought, this will be a whole New Generation.

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A Chaotic Stumble Through Fame – The Story of Channel Awesome (Nostalgia Critic)

The story of “Channel Awesome” and the Nostalgia Critic is one filled with both ups and downs. From the humble beginnings of a small online review show to the heights of internet stardom, the journey of the Nostalgia Critic and the team behind “Channel Awesome” has had its fair share of triumphs and challenges. Let’s explore the various highs and lows that have shaped the story of “Channel Awesome” and the Nostalgia Critic, examining the factors that contributed to their success as well as the controversies and setbacks that they have faced along the way.

Not many companies get the opportunities Channel Awesome has gotten, and even fewer have squandered it in such a chaotic way.

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“It all sounds a bit… bombastic, doesn’t it, Professor?”
Professor Yefimov looked at the text that was on the screen in front of him. “Hm-m,” he growled in response to his assistant. “But we’ve tried so many things. Maybe it has to be like this. Maybe times demand it. Let’s try.”
He pressed a button on his computer and the text was sent and published on the Internet.

ASTROCOHORS CLUB is a worldwide organization dedicated to the advancement of society, culture, and science. Founded with the purpose of creating a better world through education and scientific discovery, the club has been at the forefront of social and cultural change for many years.

In 2023, ASTROCOHORS CLUB is undergoing a transformative period. This year could be a turning point in the history of planet Earth, as the club continues its mission to inform and advance society, culture, and science. The club is positioning itself to respond to the rapidly changing world, and to meet the growing needs of society as we move into a new era of technological and scientific advancement.

The club is open to all individuals who share a passion for learning and a commitment to advancing the greater good. Members come from all walks of life, representing diverse backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. The club provides a platform for members to connect, collaborate, and share ideas, and to engage in meaningful discussions about the future of the planet and our society.

The club’s initiatives are designed to inspire and empower to make a positive impact on the world. Through its various activities and events, the club promotes a culture of scientific inquiry, critical thinking, and creativity.

In conclusion, ASTROCOHORS CLUB is an organization that is dedicated to creating a better world for all. As we move into 2023, the club is evolving to meet the changing needs of society, culture, and science. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or simply a concerned citizen, the club provides a space for you to connect with like-minded individuals and to make a difference in the world. Join us today and be a part of the transformative change that is taking place in our world.

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And all of that is now in a new place, right here. From now on you can find more of all these ideas, thoughts and analyzes here. To stay up to date, why not subscribe to one of our newsletters or the channel of one of the creative people who inspire you.

Let’s see what happens next!


“Das klingt alles ein bisschen… schwülstig, finden Sie nicht, Professor?”
Professor Yefimov blickte auf den Text, der auf dem Bildschirm vor ihm stand. “Hm-m”, brummte er als Antwort an seinen Assistenten. “Aber wir haben schon so viel versucht. Vielleicht muss es so sein. Vielleicht erfordern die Zeiten das. Versuchen wir’s.”
Er drückte eine Taste auf seinem Computer und der Text wurde abgeschickt und im Internet veröffentlicht.

ASTROCOHORS CLUB ist eine weltweite Organisation, die sich der Förderung von Gesellschaft, Kultur und Wissenschaft verschrieben hat. Der Club wurde mit dem Ziel gegründet, durch Bildung und wissenschaftliche Entdeckungen eine bessere Welt zu schaffen, und steht seit vielen Jahren an der Spitze des sozialen und kulturellen Wandels.

Im Jahr 2023 durchläuft der ASTROCOHORS CLUB eine Transformationsphase. Dieses Jahr könnte ein Wendepunkt in der Geschichte des Planeten Erde sein, da der Club seine Mission fortsetzt, Gesellschaft, Kultur und Wissenschaft zu informieren und voranzubringen. Der Club positioniert sich, um auf die sich schnell verändernde Welt zu reagieren und die wachsenden Bedürfnisse der Gesellschaft zu erfüllen, während wir in eine neue Ära des technologischen und wissenschaftlichen Fortschritts eintreten.
Der Club steht allen Personen offen, die eine Leidenschaft für das Lernen und eine Verpflichtung zur Förderung des Allgemeinwohls teilen. Die Mitglieder kommen aus allen Lebensbereichen und repräsentieren unterschiedliche Hintergründe, Kulturen und Perspektiven. Der Club bietet Mitgliedern eine Plattform, um sich zu vernetzen, zusammenzuarbeiten, Ideen auszutauschen und sich an sinnvollen Diskussionen über die Zukunft des Planeten und unserer Gesellschaft zu beteiligen.

Die Initiativen des Clubs sollen inspirieren und befähigen, einen positiven Einfluss auf die Welt zu nehmen. Durch seine verschiedenen Aktivitäten und Veranstaltungen fördert der Club eine Kultur der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, des kritischen Denkens und der Kreativität.

Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass der ASTROCOHORS CLUB eine Organisation ist, die sich der Schaffung einer besseren Welt für alle verschrieben hat. Zu Beginn des Jahres 2023 entwickelt sich der Club weiter, um den sich ändernden Bedürfnissen von Gesellschaft, Kultur und Wissenschaft gerecht zu werden. Egal, ob Sie Student, Berufstätiger oder einfach nur ein besorgter Bürger sind, der Club bietet Ihnen einen Raum, um sich mit Gleichgesinnten zu vernetzen und etwas in der Welt zu bewegen. Schließen Sie sich uns noch heute an und werden Sie Teil des transformativen Wandels, der in unserer Welt stattfindet.

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Und alles das befindet sich nun an einem neuen Platz, direkt hier. Ab sofort finden Sie hier mehr von all diesen Ideen, Gedanken und Analysen. Um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, abonnieren Sie doch einen unserer Newsletter oder den Kanal eines der Kreativen, der Sie begeistert.

Mal sehen, was als nächstes passiert!


“Tout cela semble un peu… pompeux, n’est-ce pas, Professeur?”
Le professeur Yefimov a regardé le texte qui était sur l’écran devant lui. “Hm-m,” grogna-t-il en réponse à son assistant. “Mais nous avons essayé tellement de choses. Peut-être que ça doit être comme ça. Peut-être que les temps l’exigent. Essayons.”
Il a appuyé sur un bouton de son ordinateur et le texte a été envoyé et publié sur Internet.

ASTROCOHORS CLUB est une organisation mondiale dédiée à l’avancement de la société, de la culture et de la science. Fondé dans le but de créer un monde meilleur par l’éducation et la découverte scientifique, le club est à l’avant-garde du changement social et culturel depuis de nombreuses années.

En 2023, ASTROCOHORS CLUB traverse une période de transformation. Cette année pourrait être un tournant dans l’histoire de la planète Terre, alors que le club poursuit sa mission d’informer et de faire progresser la société, la culture et la science. Le club se positionne pour répondre à l’évolution rapide du monde et pour répondre aux besoins croissants de la société alors que nous entrons dans une nouvelle ère de progrès technologique et scientifique.
Le club est ouvert à toutes les personnes qui partagent une passion pour l’apprentissage et un engagement à faire progresser le bien commun. Les membres viennent de tous les horizons et représentent divers horizons, cultures et perspectives. Le club offre une plate-forme permettant aux membres de se connecter, de collaborer et de partager des idées, et de s’engager dans des discussions significatives sur l’avenir de la planète et de notre société.

Les initiatives du club sont conçues pour inspirer et donner les moyens d’avoir un impact positif sur le monde. À travers ses diverses activités et événements, le club promeut une culture de recherche scientifique, de pensée critique et de créativité.

En conclusion, ASTROCOHORS CLUB est une organisation qui se consacre à créer un monde meilleur pour tous. À l’aube de 2023, le club évolue pour répondre aux besoins changeants de la société, de la culture et de la science. Que vous soyez un étudiant, un professionnel ou simplement un citoyen concerné, le club vous offre un espace pour vous connecter avec des personnes partageant les mêmes idées et faire une différence dans le monde. Rejoignez-nous aujourd’hui et faites partie du changement transformateur qui se produit dans notre monde.

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Et tout cela est maintenant dans un nouvel endroit, ici même. À partir de maintenant, vous pouvez trouver plus de toutes ces idées, réflexions et analyses ici. Pour rester à jour, pourquoi ne pas vous inscrire à l’une de nos newsletters ou à la chaîne de l’un des créatifs qui vous inspirent.

Voyons ce qui se passe ensuite !


“Isso tudo soa um pouco… bombástico, não é, professor?”
O professor Yefimov olhou para o texto que estava na tela à sua frente. “Hm-m,” ele rosnou em resposta ao seu assistente. “Mas já tentamos tantas coisas. Talvez tenha que ser assim. Talvez os tempos o exijam. Vamos tentar.”
Ele apertou um botão em seu computador e o texto foi enviado e publicado na internet.

ASTROCOHORS CLUB é uma organização mundial dedicada ao avanço da sociedade, cultura e ciência. Fundado com o propósito de criar um mundo melhor por meio da educação e da descoberta científica, o clube está há muitos anos na vanguarda da mudança social e cultural.

Em 2023, o ASTROCOHORS CLUB passa por um período de transformação. Este ano pode ser um ponto de virada na história do planeta Terra, pois o clube continua sua missão de informar e promover a sociedade, a cultura e a ciência. O clube está se posicionando para responder ao mundo em rápida mudança e para atender às crescentes necessidades da sociedade à medida que avançamos em uma nova era de avanço tecnológico e científico.
O clube está aberto a todos os indivíduos que compartilham a paixão pelo aprendizado e o compromisso de promover o bem maior. Os membros vêm de todas as esferas da vida, representando diversas origens, culturas e perspectivas. O clube oferece uma plataforma para os membros se conectarem, colaborarem e compartilharem ideias e se envolverem em discussões significativas sobre o futuro do planeta e de nossa sociedade.

As iniciativas do clube são projetadas para inspirar e capacitar para causar um impacto positivo no mundo. Por meio de suas várias atividades e eventos, o clube promove uma cultura de investigação científica, pensamento crítico e criatividade.

Concluindo, o ASTROCOHORS CLUB é uma organização dedicada a criar um mundo melhor para todos. À medida que avançamos para 2023, o clube está evoluindo para atender às novas necessidades da sociedade, cultura e ciência. Seja você um estudante, um profissional ou simplesmente um cidadão preocupado, o clube oferece um espaço para você se conectar com pessoas que pensam como você e fazer a diferença no mundo. Junte-se a nós hoje e faça parte da mudança transformadora que está ocorrendo em nosso mundo.

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E tudo isso agora está em um novo lugar, bem aqui. A partir de agora você pode encontrar mais de todas essas ideias, pensamentos e análises aqui. Para se manter atualizado, porque não subscrever uma das nossas newsletters ou o canal de algum dos criativos que o inspiram.

Vamos ver o que acontece a seguir!


エフィモフ教授は目の前のスクリーンに映し出されたテキストを見た。 「うーん」彼はアシスタントに応えてうなり声を上げた. 「しかし、私たちはすでに多くのことを試してきました。 多分それはこのようでなければなりません。 時代がそれを求めているのかもしれません。試してみましょう。」

ASTROCOHORS CLUB は、社会、文化、科学の進歩に専念する世界的な組織です。 教育と科学的発見を通じてより良い世界を創造することを目的として設立されたこのクラブは、長年にわたって社会的および文化的変化の最前線に立っています。

2023年、アストロコホールズクラブは変革期を迎えます。 クラブは社会、文化、科学に情報を提供し、進歩させるという使命を継続しているため、今年は地球の歴史の転換点になる可能性があります。 クラブは、急速に変化する世界に対応し、技術的および科学的進歩の新しい時代に移行するにつれて社会の高まるニーズに対応できるように位置付けています.
クラブは、学習への情熱と、より大きな利益を前進させることへのコミットメントを共有するすべての個人に開かれています。 メンバーは、さまざまな背景、文化、視点を代表する、あらゆる分野の出身者です。 このクラブは、メンバーがつながり、協力し、アイデアを共有し、地球と社会の未来について有意義な議論を行うためのプラットフォームを提供します。

クラブのイニシアチブは、世界にプラスの影響を与えるように刺激し、力を与えるように設計されています。 さまざまな活動やイベントを通じて、クラブは科学的探究、批判的思考、創造性の文化を促進しています。

結論として、ASTROCOHORS CLUB は、すべての人にとってより良い世界を作ることに専念している組織です。 2023 年に向けて、クラブは社会、文化、科学の変化するニーズを満たすために進化しています。 あなたが学生、専門家、または単に関心のある市民であるかどうかにかかわらず、このクラブは、志を同じくする個人とつながり、世界に変化をもたらすためのスペースを提供します. 今日参加して、私たちの世界で起こっている変革の一部になりましょう。

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そして、そのすべてが新しい場所、ここにあります。 これからは、これらすべてのアイデア、考え、分析をここで見つけることができます。 最新情報を入手するには、ニュースレターのいずれかを購読するか、あなたにインスピレーションを与えるクリエイティブな人々のチャンネルを購読してください。
