“Gil Jourdan” is a Belgian detective comic strip created by Maurice Tillieux. It is a combination of mystery, adventure and humour. In these comics we see the adventures of private detective Gil Jourdan, his colleague and ex-convict Libellule, and the goofy Inspector Crouton. The first story was published in Spirou magazine in 1956 and tells how Gil “recruits” his colleague Libellule and fights against a narcotics gang.
Order the comics from our reviews from AMAZON.com:
► https://linktr.ee/acc_comics
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ASTROCOHORS CLUB is part of the collaboration of ASTROCOHORS COMMAND and PHAN.PRO:
► ASTROCOHORS COMMAND: https://www.astrocohors.com
► PHAN.PRO (German only): https://phan.pro