Humanity’s Last Stand

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The solar system… a divided world.

Chaos reigns in the solar system. The interplanetary civil war has plunged the vastness of space into darkness. A bitter conflict rages between the once peaceful worlds of Ilyssar and Thelion, sparked by an alien power whose sinister motives remain inscrutable.

In the midst of this unrest, the former praetor of the Lokubami from the planet Uranus, a ruthless and calculating leader named Scurra, has used an ancient and convoluted rule of law to his advantage. With a cunning coup, he overthrew his successor and seized power – a dangerous move that threatens to destroy the fragile balance of the solar system.

But while Scurra reaches for power, a dark collective is stirring on the moons of Jupiter. Fascist forces have taken over strategic areas of land and are bringing oppressed peoples under their control. The conflict is fueled by the ambitions of another: Drav Phendror, Regent of Anarthia, who seeks to subjugate the territory of Ruvalara. He is pursuing a plan to declare himself Decurion of his own empire – with the mysterious support of the mysterious Lord of the High Hand.

The tension is rising as Scurra’s enthronement is imminent. If the ceremony goes ahead as planned, a dark era looms that could plunge the solar system into an endless night of fear and oppression…

May the stars tremble.

Das Sonnensystem… eine geteilte Welt.

Es herrscht Chaos im Sonnensystem. Der interplanetare Bürgerkrieg hat die Weiten des Alls in Dunkelheit getaucht. Zwischen den einst friedlichen Welten von Ilyssar und Thelion tobt ein erbitterter Konflikt, entfacht durch eine fremde Macht, deren finstere Motive unergründlich bleiben.

Inmitten dieser Unruhe hat der ehemalige Prätor der Lokubami vom Planeten Uranus, ein skrupelloser und berechnender Anführer namens Scurra, eine alte und verworrene Gesetzesregel zu seinen Gunsten genutzt. Mit einem listigen Coup stürzte er seinen Nachfolger und ergriff die Macht – ein gefährlicher Schritt, der das fragile Gleichgewicht des Sonnensystems zu zerstören droht.

Doch während Scurra nach der Macht greift, regt sich auf den Monden des Jupiter ein finsteres Kollektiv. Faschistische Kräfte haben strategische Landstriche eingenommen und bringen unterdrückte Völker in ihre Gewalt. Der Konflikt wird genährt von den Ambitionen eines anderen: Drav Phendror, Regent von Anarthia, der das Gebiet von Ruvalara unterwerfen will. Er verfolgt einen Plan, sich selbst zum Decurion eines eigenen Imperiums auszurufen – mit der geheimnisvollen Unterstützung des mysteriösen Gebieters der Hohen Hand.

Die Spannung steigt, als die Inthronisierung Scurra bevorsteht. Sollte die Zeremonie wie geplant stattfinden, droht eine düstere Ära, die das Sonnensystem in eine endlose Nacht aus Angst und Unterdrückung stürzen könnte…

Mögen die Sterne erbeben.

Le système solaire… un monde divisé.

Il y a du chaos dans le système solaire. La guerre civile interplanétaire a plongé l’immensité de l’espace dans l’obscurité. Un conflit amer fait rage entre les mondes autrefois pacifiques d’Ilyssar et de Thelion, déclenché par une puissance extraterrestre dont les motivations sombres restent insondables.

Au milieu de ces troubles, l’ancien préteur des Lokubami de la planète Uranus, un chef impitoyable et calculateur nommé Scurra, a exploité à son avantage une règle de droit ancienne et alambiquée. Grâce à un coup d’État astucieux, il renverse son successeur et prend le pouvoir – une démarche dangereuse qui menace de détruire le fragile équilibre du système solaire.

Mais tandis que Scurra aspire au pouvoir, un sombre collectif s’agite sur les lunes de Jupiter. Les forces fascistes se sont emparées de zones stratégiques du territoire et placent les peuples opprimés sous leur contrôle. Le conflit est alimenté par les ambitions d’un autre : Drav Phendror, régent d’Anarthia, qui veut soumettre le territoire de Ruvalara. Il poursuit un plan pour se déclarer Décurion de son propre empire – avec le soutien mystérieux du mystérieux dirigeant de la Haute Main.

La tension monte à l’approche de l’intronisation de Scurra. Si la cérémonie se déroule comme prévu, une ère sombre menace qui pourrait plonger le système solaire dans une nuit sans fin de peur et d’oppression…

Que les étoiles tremblent.







O sistema solar… um mundo dividido.

Há caos no sistema solar. A guerra civil interplanetária mergulhou a vastidão do espaço na escuridão. Um conflito amargo acontece entre os mundos outrora pacíficos de Ilyssar e Thelion, desencadeado por um poder alienígena cujos motivos obscuros permanecem incompreensíveis.

Em meio a essa agitação, o antigo pretor dos Lokubami do planeta Urano, um líder implacável e calculista chamado Scurra, explorou uma antiga e complicada regra de lei em seu benefício. Com um golpe astuto, ele derrubou seu sucessor e tomou o poder – um passo perigoso que ameaça destruir o frágil equilíbrio do sistema solar.

Mas enquanto Scurra busca poder, um coletivo sombrio se agita nas luas de Júpiter. Forças fascistas tomaram áreas estratégicas de terra e estão colocando povos oprimidos sob seu controle. O conflito é alimentado pelas ambições de outro: Drav Phendror, regente de Anarthia, que quer subjugar o território de Ruvalara. Ele está perseguindo um plano para se declarar o Decurião de seu próprio império – com o apoio misterioso do misterioso governante da Alta Mão.

A tensão aumenta à medida que a entronização de Scurra se aproxima. Se a cerimônia ocorrer como planejado, uma era sombria ameaça mergulhar o sistema solar em uma noite sem fim de medo e opressão…

Que as estrelas tremam.

A Deep Dive into Potterheads

Is there anything more to say about Harry Potter? Well, obviously yes…

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THE NAME OF THE ROSE – Through the Magnifying Glass: Book, Movie, Series – Part Ten: Epilogue | ACC #085

Where we look at the epilogue of “The Name of the Rose” and how it was adapted. In addition, this episode itself is an epilogue with many thoughts about religion, too much piety, Umberto Eco’s remarks on “Ur-Fascism” and a final verdict on the film and series.

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THE NAME OF THE ROSE – Through the Magnifying Glass: Book, Movie, Series – Part Nine: Day Seven | ACC #084

Where we look at the grand finale of “The Name of the Rose”, how the finale was implemented in the movie and series and what philosophical thoughts William von Baskerville has in view of the total catastrophe. We also learn something about the fate of the inquisitor Bernard Gui.

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THE NAME OF THE ROSE – Through the Magnifying Glass: Book, Movie, Series – Part Eight: Day Six | ACC #083

Where we look at the penultimate day of the action of “The Name of the Rose”, although not very much of it was carried over into the adaptations. Instead, a lot has been added that is not from the novel.

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THE NAME OF THE ROSE – Through the Magnifying Glass: Book, Movie, Series – Part Seven: Day Five | ACC #082

In which the plot of the adaptation of “The Name of the Rose” as a TV series gets very convoluted, twisted and stretched – and not for the better of the series. Meanwhile we explore day five of the story itself.

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THE NAME OF THE ROSE – Through the Magnifying Glass: Book, Movie, Series – Part Six: Day Four | ACC #081

In which the ongoing story of “The Name of the Rose” tells us about another dead monk, more than brotherly love, and we finally meet the man we’ve heard so much about: Bernard Gui!

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THE NAME OF THE ROSE – Through the Magnifying Glass: Book, Movie, Series – Part Five: Day Three | ACC #080

Where we take a look at the third day of the events of “The Name of the Rose”: A monk is missing and a merciless inquisitor has been chosen to look for the security of the papal delegation: Bernard Gui…

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THE NAME OF THE ROSE – Through the Magnifying Glass: Book, Movie, Series – Part Four: Day Two | ACC #079

In which we follow the further events of the story “The Name of the Rose”, from the discovery of a corpse in a vat of pig’s blood to the ominous prophecies of the apocalypse that seem to be connected to the deaths.

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THE NAME OF THE ROSE – Through the Magnifying Glass: Book, Movie, Series – Part Three: Day One | ACC #078

Where we begin the real story of “The Name of the Rose”: It’s the first day of Adso’s and William’s adventures in the abbey in northern Italy. We review the events of the day and take a deeper look at some of the story’s characters, also in comparison to the novel’s film and series adaptation.

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THE NAME OF THE ROSE – Through the Magnifying Glass: Book, Movie, Series – Part Two: Prologue | ACC #077

The journey through the worlds of Umberto Eco’s masterpiece continues: we explore the prologue, which Jarmo uses to give an overview of the story, its author and the adaptation to the cinema and series. There are no spoilers in this episode, only from the next episode we look a little deeper into the events that take place in a remote abbey in the gloomy north of Italy.

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THE NAME OF THE ROSE – Through the Magnifying Glass: Book, Movie, Series – Part One: Of course, a Remake | ACC #076

Jarmo Dorak recounts his adventures while delving into the deep meaning of a novel: “The Name of the Rose” by Umberto Eco. Let’s learn more about the book, its film and series adaptation, and other in-depth thoughts.

This episode forms the foreword to the whole story.

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Umberto Eco’s “The Name of the Rose” can be purchased on AMAZON right here: [Affiliate Link].

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The YPSILON Project

Professor Ostap Yefimov was the head of ASTROCOHORS CLUB. He had been a member for more than 20 years. Now he was the head of the club and he loved it. He was fascinated by space, and he had helped develop a number of new techniques that would allow humans to live on other planets. Yefimov was a tall man with broad shoulders and long arms that flapped when he walked. His hair was vanishing, but he had bright blue eyes and a huge smile that made him seem younger than his fifty-seven years. He wore thick glasses that sat perched on his nose like two black bugs crawling along it.

Professor Ostap Yefimov on a promotional poster for the ASTROCOHORS CLUB and the new Project Ypsilon.

He also loved his club: it was filled with brilliant people who worked together toward a common goal. They were dedicated to protecting Earth from asteroid the stubbornes of its own inhabitants, and they were dedicated to keeping Earth’s secrets safe from those who would want to exploit them for their own gain.

The club’s IT worker Max Tronic had been at the club for almost 10 years now, ever since Yefimov had hired him after a failed attempt at stealing data from their archive—and even then, it took months before they were able to catch the hacker in question.

But now another hacker attack was under way. The hacker seemed to be targeting only Max Tronic’s home computer: they’d hacked into his email and social media accounts, but nothing else seemed to be affected—yet somehow there was no sign of any damage on Max’s personal computer. And they didn’t seem to damage the information about the professor’s latest project.

This latest project, Ypsilon — a letter of the Greek alphabet — was different. This time, Yefimov wanted to enlist people from all over the world to fight against injustice and for social issues and environmental protection. The professor believed that if we could unite as a global community, we could make change happen much faster than before.

He stood on a podium, his bald head glistening in the sunlight beaming through a window. He scanned the crowd of people eagerly awaiting his announcement. He took a deep breath, then raised his voice to speak.

“I am happy to see so many people here today! We are approaching an important time in our history. The world is changing, and I want to tell you what we can do to protect ourselves from those changes.”

The professor paused for a moment, letting his words sink in. Then he continued: “We have worked hard over the years to build ASTROCOHORS CLUB into something that is stronger than ever before. We have worked tirelessly to improve our organization’s reputation and grow its influence on society at large.”

He paused again, then continued: “But now we need more than just your help—we need your passion!”

An old poster showing Professor Ostap Yefimov as a pioneer for the ASTROCOHORS CLUB.

The crowd gasped as one, then erupted into cheers and applause. The room with the podium was in a new part of the base, housed in an old ruin. The ruin had been transferred to the club by its previous owner. That was a little safer for the cause. There was only one thing that Yefimov was a little embarrassed about: on a small cupboard against one wall was a picture frame with an old poster inside. He had been younger then. It featured him as one of the pioneers for the ASTROCOHORS CLUB. He had more hair then than he does now. But that was more than twenty years ago now.

Yefimov explained that the new project was just an idea at first. An idea like there have been many ideas before. But ASTROCOHORS and the ASTROCOHORS CLUB had to become even more independent. A large complex of the buildings still belonged to Cuyel. They had the power to dispose of large data stores. The ASTROCOHORS CLUB had to be on par with Cuyel. Then we would be able to continue to cooperate. But it couldn’t happen like that.

The YPSILON project aimed to achieve just that. But the club was discouraged by past failures. Another new idea? Who said it would work this time? But Yefimov reminded everyone present that there really was no alternative. It sounded pathetic, but the planet and human civilization were in danger. In very real danger. Only this time it wasn’t a great dictator or one of the lords of darkness that stories like to present who was behind everything. The danger came creeping from many corners, like the floods that would gradually destroy the shorelines of the continents of the earth in the course of the climate crisis.

“Let’s all unite!”

With this exclamation, taken directly from Charlie Chaplin’s famous speech, Yefimov ended his speech. He left the lectern to thunderous applause from those present. The next speaker would clarify technical details. Yefimov himself left the hall and went straight to one of his employees, Agda Skold.

“Where is this Jarmo Dorak?” he asked her. “He had a few clever ideas, even if we have to start all over again.”
“I was told that he went for a walk earlier,” she replied. “Thought he needed to clear his head. Apparently, to be able to come up with more of those clever ideas you were just talking about.”
“That’s good,” my Yefimov. “Did he say where exactly he wants to go?”
“He wants to see the city. Someone probably told him about the nativity scene here in the church, which he wanted to see.”
“It’s not a church,” Yefimov rebuked. “It’s a cathedral. That’s something different.”
“Sir, with all due respect,” Skold replied. “These are semantic differences. You know where it’s going from. The information was transferred efficiently.”
“Yes,” Yefimov smiled, “it’s okay. Then let’s see with what good ideas Dorak comes back from his walk.”

ASTROCOHORS CLUB Period 5: Let Us All Unite!

The Old Internet was the Internet of legend, greater than distance or time. Once, under the wise rule of the Public and the protection of the Common Sense, the Internet throve and grew. But as often happens when wealth and power pass beyond the admirable and attain the awesome, then appear those evil ones who have greed to match.

So it was with the Internet at its height. Like the greatest of trees, able to withstand any external attack, the Internet grew rotten from within thought the danger was not visible from the outside.
Aided and abetted by restless, power-hungry individuals within and the massive organs of commerce, an ambitious Executive caused himself to be elected President. He promised to reunite the disaffected among the people and restore the remembered glory of the Internet.
Once secured in office he declared himself Savior, shutting himself away from the populace. The cries of the people for justice did not reach his ears.

Having exterminated through treachery and deception the Common Sense, a stronghold in dark times, propagandists and bureaucrats prepared to institute a reign of terror among the disheartened worlds of the Internet. Many used the imperial forces and the name of the increasingly isolated “Savior” to further their own political ambitions.

But a small number of systems rebelled at these new outrages. Declaring themselves opposed to the backward-looking politics they began a battle to restore the Old Internet.
From the beginning they were not outnumbered, but they were scattered. In those first dark days it seemed certain the bright flame of resistance would be extinguished before it could cast the light of new trust across the Internet. But the tide of events is round – round like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel, never ending or beginning on an ever-spinning reel…

This is the time; this is the place when we look for the future. This is the time for YPSILON!

I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be an emperor. That’s not my business. I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone if possible, Jew, Gentile, black Men, white… We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. In this world there’s room for everyone and the good Earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful. But we have lost the way…

Charlie Chaplin: “The Great Dictator”, Final Speech, Beginning

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Greed has poisened men's souls
Has barricaded the World with hate
We think too much and feel too little (We think too much and feel too little)
More than machinery we need Humanity
More than cleverness we need kindness
Without these qualities life will be violent
And all will be lost (All will be lost)

Do not despair!
The hate of men will pass
And dictators die
And the power they took from the people
Will return to the people
Let Us All Unite!
Let us fight for a new world
To do away with greed
Now let us fight to free the world
To fulfil that promise
Let Us All Unite!

Soldiers! Don't give yourselves to brutes
Men who despise and enslave you
Tell you what to do, what to think, and what to feel
Who drill you, tire you, treat you like cattle!
Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men
Machine Men with Machine Minds and Machine Hearts!
You are not machines, you are men!
You the people have the power
To make this life free and beautiful
Let us use this power
To make this life a wonderful adventure (A wonderful adventure)
Let Us All Unite!

Let us fight for a new world
To do away with greed
Now let us fight to free the world
To fulfil that promise
Let Us All Unite!
Let us fight for a new world
To do away with greed
A world where science and progress
Will lead to all men's happiness
Do not despair!
The hate of men will pass
And dictators die
And the power they took from the people
Will return to the people
Let Us All Unite!

Charlie Chaplin, from that same speech, as a Poem of Hope

Christmas in a Hobbit Hole 🎄 Lord of the Rings inspired Ambience & Music | Cozy Fireplace

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One moment to rest. One moment of contemplativeness. Sit down and enjoy…