It was never meant this way. Karen Rendall shook her head. But well, that’s the way it is now. Admiral McCloud told her that he was serious.
“Take back Earth!”, he ordered. “All has gone to far. We need to do more. We need the Nerds to bring the humans back to their senses and save the planet.”
“But Sir”, she’d replied, “this would make up a…”
“A Battlefront, yes! Do it!”

See the story from ASTROCOHORS BATTLEFRONTS unfold here…

Admiral McCloud turned away from the screen. “And in addition”, he said to himself, “we have to bring more structure into the whole project. I’ll inform ASTROCOHORS C.L.U.B.’s headquarter…”

Deadline at Noon – Desconstrução de estrelas cadentes

O clima não era bom. Os problemas tinham crescido demais. E o tempo não tinha sido tanto tempo. No entanto, medidas drásticas tiveram que ser tomadas. Uma medida que quase ninguém gostou de tomar.

“Tenente Comandante Del Almeida, infelizmente não podemos mais mantê-lo aqui.”
O almirante Vargas estava meio triste. Mas ele tinha que fazer alguma coisa. Os relatórios que recebeu foram claros. E eles vieram em grande número. Beatrice olhou para ele com os olhos arregalados.
“Sinto muito”, disse ele, “mas a missão desta organização não é apoiar religiões e políticos, apenas servimos à lei galáctica!”

Beatrice não respondeu. Ela secretamente temia que isso acontecesse. Mas não tão rápido. Presumivelmente, os problemas dos ASTROCOHORS faziam parte da explicação.
“Com efeito imediato, o tenente-comandante Lou Stig assumirá suas funções e você ficará de licença até novo aviso. Use este feriado para trazer seus sentidos de volta aos sentidos deles!”
Bea olhou para ele. Ela ainda não disse nada. Em vez disso, sem dizer uma palavra, ela se virou e saiu do escritório de Vargas. Ele esperava que ela estivesse realmente usando o tempo. Ela era uma boa pessoa. Não podia acontecer que ela fosse vítima do terror da ignorância.

O que aconteceu?
Como pode um povo que parecia tão esperançoso cair tão fundo no abismo do atraso e da superstição? Como essas pessoas poderiam ir atrás de um suposto ditador?
Vargas não sabia responder a essas perguntas. Mas agora era importante combater a ignorância. Ele se virou para o computador e contatou a sede.

Saboteurs from Space

There are many different grievances that need to be shared, but the following points are what we feel are the most grievous and should be known by the public above all.” With these words, on April 2, 2018, a ball was set in motion that triggered an avalanche and forever changed the structure of Internet reviewers. Not even those who gave their reports on a particular situation in a document bearing the inconspicuous name “Not So Awesome” probably realized what was to come. A community broke up… but did that community still exist before? Or… had it ever existed at all?

At this point, let’s summarize the impressions that led to a decline. Where will the journey go next? What are the reviewers doing? That remains to be seen!

The Cautionary Tale of Channel Awesome

Let’s look at the exact story: What did the infamous document reporting the problems at Channel Awesome say?

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Live Reaction to Channel Awesome’s Response to Former Producers’ Grievances

There had to be a reaction – and oh, boy there really was one!

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Channel Awesome | Fallen Titans #3

Quinton is another reviewer. His area of expertise is former titans of the internet age. He tells the story of Channel Awesome and what happened.

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ChangeTheChannel my late take

SadPanda tells his view on the affair.

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Channel Awesome Retrospective #3 | Jesu Otaku ft: NobleAbsinthe

NobleAbsinthe and Extramana are collabing to bring to you a retrospective series on every contributor at Channel Awesome (formerly known as TGWTG). The reviewing community on YouTube owes a lot to guys like Doug Walker and James Rolfe for propelling many of the YouTube “celebrities” we see today. Channel Awesome also serves as decent folklore about the early days of YouTube.

Today’s episode is on Jesu Otaku, one of the few anime producers on Channel Awesome.

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Channel Awesome Retrospective #4 | Bennett The Sage ft: Extramana

Extramana and NobleAbsinth are collabing to bring to you a retrospective series on every contributor at Channel Awesome (formerly known as TGWTG). The reviewing community on YouTube owes a lot to guys like Doug Walker and James Rolf for propelling many of the YouTube “celebrities” we see today. Channel Awesome also serves as decent folklore about the early days of YouTube.

Today’s episode revolves around one of the mid level to upper level producers on the site, Bennett the Sage. He reviews anime, really well, and reviews other stuff, decently too…

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ChangeTheChannel: What Happened with Channel Awesome?

Here’s what’s going down with Channel Awesome, why the Google Doc was made, and a little bit about what’s happened since.

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CHANNEL AWESOME: How To Hit Rock Bottom and Keep Digging

Sarah Z steps in and analyzes Channel Awesome’s extremely defensive “debunking” of the allegations against them and why it proves absolutely f* all.

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In Regards to JewWario and “Farewell, FamiKamen Rider”

In the course of the “Change the Channel” discussion, screenshots were released that revealed personal details of a specific matter. And not much else to say here. This video discusses MarzGurl’s personal knowledge as well as lack of knowledge of the nature of Justin Carmical’s behaviors and what is happening now to the projects she worked on with him and for him. Thank you for your understanding in the matter.

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The Downfall – The Channel Awesome Legacy

It’s a few weeks since “Change the Channel” started with the publishing of a document. The document itself is a seventy page condemnation of Channel Awesome, and their questionable behaviour and incidents that resulted due to it. Here’s another look at things that went wrong in the situation…

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The Conundrum of BR

Brazil is a complex nation. As a Portuguese colony it served as a base for plantation owners selling cash crops by slave labour, before being propelled to vast importance as the home of the Portuguese royal family. But the story doesn’t stop there.

We have to expand the ASTROCOHORS CLUB. We have been working on opening a separate department for Brazil for years. For years we have also had the buildings that the UBI secret service acquired. The Brasilian HQ of ASTROCOHORS. It is time…


Beatrice del Almeida estava na varanda com uma cara preocupada. 3 anos. Já se passaram três anos desde que Jarmo Dorak partiu. Ela não tinha ouvido falar dele desde então. A varanda fazia parte da sede local da ASTROCOHORS. O almirante Manoel Vargas telefonou para ela. Isso tem que mudar muito. Na verdade, Beatrice deveria se concentrar nisso. Mas seus pensamentos continuaram vagando para o namorado, que desapareceu há três anos.

“Pensamentos profundos?” alguém perguntou.
Beatrice virou-se. “Almirante!” Ela cumprimentou. Vargas a aproximou dela sem ser notada. Ela hesitou. Mas então ela respondeu sua pergunta: “Sim, eu tive que pensar em alguém que eu não tinha visto há muito tempo”.
“Eu também gostaria de saber o que aconteceu com Jarmo Dorak”, explicou Vargas. “Mas agora temos outras preocupações”.
Del Almeida assentiu. Ela se perguntou por um momento se ela deveria perguntar ao almirante como ele sabia … Ela soltou.
Vargas apontou para a porta que levava ao prédio. “Posso apresentar-lhe o Embaixador Genrod do ACELS”. As ACELS eram a forma mais antiga de vida da galáxia. Muitos deles foram ouvidos, mas poucos já os viram. Agora, Beatrice era uma daqueles que a tinham visto. Mas foi muito pouco espetacular. Genrod parecia muito humano. Ele poderia ter vindo da Terra, como ela mesma. Ou o Almirante Vargas.
“Saudações, Comandante Del Almeida”. Até a voz de Genrod parecia muito humana. Ele nem teve acento. Ele parecia dominar o idioma de Beatrice muito bem. Mas quem sabia o que a ACELS poderia fazer?
“Você provavelmente está se perguntando por que você está aqui, deixe-me fazer a grande conexão”.
Ele colocou um caderno sobre a mesa, que estava na varanda. Ele ativou sua tela e apontou para os gráficos que apareceram.
Um mapa da galáxia. Beatrice lembrou-se das palavras que havia lido há muito tempo: “Em algum lugar do espaço, longe da terra, colocar um planeta, não um planeta comum, pode-se acrescentar, ACELS foi reivindicada e habitada pelos seres mais estranhos da nossa galáxia Os seres que eram mais velhos do que toda a vida que conhecíamos chamavam de cronistas do universo, mas eram muito mais que espectadores não envolvidos, observando a dança das estrelas como a maioria dos mundos habitados nem mesmo esfriou.”

Genrod começou a dizer: “O Big Bang transformou os vários sistemas da Via Láctea, incluindo o nosso, e esta é uma imagem da nossa galaxia doméstica, não se sinta orgulhosa, o Erdling, para seu sistema doméstico, Sol, é o centro do sistema de coordenadas um mapa da NASA e, claro, vem da sua própria perspectiva, nos mapas Padrão Galáctico, o centro da galáxia é o ponto de partida do sistema de coordenadas, mas isso só é mencionado de passagem, não quero ultrapassar você Quando você olha de perto, você percebe que seu pequeno mundo orbita uma estrela amarela que se encontra numa parte completamente desinteressante da Via Láctea.”
Beatrice tentou ignorar a observação sobre a Terra. Ela sabia que havia problemas lá. O embaixador continuou sem perturbar: “As primeiras civilizações surgiram em vários planetas do braço Scutum Centaurus, desenvolvendo um vôo espacial interplanetário, depois interestelar e, no início da era galáctica, essas culturas começaram a expandir e infiltrar nações tecnicamente inferiores Sob as rodas, um desenvolvimento que os campeões da ACELS consideravam cada vez mais preocupante, como o sistema de propulsão Gigatron se desenvolveu, trazendo regiões ainda mais remotas da galáxia ao alcance, os governantes tornaram-se cada vez mais implacáveis Guerras foram travadas sobre os novos territórios, e o mapa teve que ser redesenhado ao longo dos últimos mil anos.
A última grande ruptura no mapa galáctico ocorreu em 2979, quando a última Guerra Galáctica terminou. Os vencedores e os derrotados se encontraram no planeta ACELS para negociar contratos que afetariam o futuro de todos os povos. Acreditando que os mestres da ACELS não eram enganadores, foram encarregados de levar em consideração todas as reivindicações, reivindicações territoriais e outras trivialidades e redesenhar o rosto da galáxia. Durante 16 dias, os Mestres continuamente os aconselharam antes de apresentar seus resultados: um novo Mapa Galáctico e o Manifesto de uma aliança galáctica que engloba todos os povos livres da galáxia. O assento do “galáctico” era tornar-se o planeta KOR-YWEN, uma pequena bola de terra com uma atmosfera que simplesmente era comprada às pessoas que já moravam lá.
Os seres da ACELS tiveram muito cuidado em criar zonas de proteção. No passado, havia várias colônias de colônias cujas populações não podiam se opor à tecnologia superior dos governantes coloniais. Isso deve parar. Só foi permitido percorrer a zona de proteção, para não interferir com os destinos dos mundos que estavam ali.
O plano acelesiano foi recebido com entusiasmo, mas a tinta sob os tratados ainda não se secou à medida que novos conflitos entraram em erupção. Os povos que haviam lutado lado a lado durante a guerra entraram em conflito sobre os territórios ou o medo de que eles não tivessem acesso a certas matérias-primas, a saber, a “essência”. O galáctico, que deveria ser um paraíso de paz e cooperação, foi abusado para resolver abertamente os conflitos. Assim, novas alianças e inimizades se formaram entre os povos da galáxia.”

Genrod tocou um dedo na tela. A imagem mudou. Agora a galáxia era visível com os limites do seu território. Ele explicou: “Os mundos na área originalmente chamados de” Erobgard “fundaram a” União dos Planetas “ com o objetivo de ser cercado apenas por vizinhos amigáveis ​​e ajudar-se mutuamente se um aliado fosse atacado A “Aliança das estrelas de Vespusian” da região de Vespu Naútic entrou em aliança com a maioria dos mundos planetários através de tratados separados, o que eles chamaram de “aliança de Pacnor” e esperava não só a região de Vespu Sanoza, mas também para resistir ao Udessar o outro lado, eles se aliaram com o Nol-Ens, um povo de Assumur.
No meio deles estão os mundos do deserto de Tuarber que parecem ser estéril e pobre em água, mas encontra-se as matérias-primas mais raras lá, o que tornou seus governantes muito ricos.
A região Afar, por outro lado, uma vez consistiu em mundos cujos povos desenvolveram apenas técnicas simples. Quando os governantes individuais de Erobgard descobriram que esses mundos poderiam ser facilmente explorados, eles enviaram grandes frotas de navios coloniais lá. Os habitantes dos planetas não tinham nada para se opor às tropas superiores e bem equipadas. Esta seção da história, que culminou na primeira Guerra Galáctica, não é uma glória gloriosa e levou à decisão de criar zonas de proteção para outros mundos menos avançados.
Ainda há para mencionar Horas Ventur onde há mundos da selva e do deserto que parecem tão hostis à vida, que foram usados ​​por muito tempo como planetas de punição e, assim, desenvolveram sua própria cultura. Novamente, os indígenas foram subjugados pelos colonialistas.
Ah, e com todas essas pequenas coisas desonestas, quase esqueci uma área: o centro da galáxia! O núcleo não é reivindicado diretamente por ninguém e está realmente protegido pelo Tratado Galáctico. Além disso, é muito difícil penetrar no núcleo porque está cercado por uma barreira, o “arco galáctico”. Sob as maiores dificuldades, os vasos de pesquisa tentam repetidamente penetrar no núcleo e explorá-lo. Como as lendas selvagens se formaram em torno desta região, de uma imensa abundância de matéria-prima é o discurso ou que em algum lugar há a mítica “fonte da matéria”, a origem de todo ser e de toda a vida. Mas este é o conto de um tolo que os pais dizem a seus filhos para adormecer se eles querem que eles se tornem prospectores de commodities mais tarde.
Todas as outras áreas que não fazem parte de nenhuma região oficial são consideradas zonas protegidas. Isso complicaria muito este mapa se as diferentes dessas zonas também fossem desenhadas, você só precisa saber uma coisa: o Sol e a Terra estão no setor de esmeralda, que é gerenciado pelo mundo da SMARAGDIA.
No passado, a Terra deu motivos para esperar que em breve pudesse emergir da sombra de civilizações simples. Nesta fase de desenvolvimento, uma civilização é particularmente vulnerável. Ainda não é forte o suficiente para avançar com segurança no caminho do desenvolvimento. Só precisa de um pequeno distúrbio e depois volta aos tempos bárbaros. Portanto, os seres da ACELS o viram com grande preocupação quando, em 3013, um desenvolvimento ameaçador começou: um império sem nome, liderado por um imperador sinistro, começou a se apoderar. Esse estranho envenenou as mentes de vários governantes do lado da aliança PACNOR. Este veneno parecia esvaziar a mente de cada pessoa e despertou grande ganância. E a ganância é um poder sinistro. Ela sussurra a um que poderia preencher o vazio na alma com coisas materiais e poder. Ao mesmo tempo, ela se preocupa com um medo constante de que você possa perder essas coisas novamente ou que não tenha o suficiente delas. O homem envenenado considera os outros com suspeição e assume que eles só querem tirar o que lhes pertence.
Desta forma, o Imperador envenenou as almas da próstata Rogan Reónald da Aliança das Estrelas Vespusianas e a Rainha Thagret Matha da Pyretical Alliance, membro da união planetária. Eles começaram a cobrir outros mundos com frio. Suas ações tiveram consequências cruéis para seus dois povos e as alianças que eles pertenciam.
A rainha era odiada por seu próprio povo, mas uma loucura graciosa, a conseqüência de sua alma esvaziada, acabou por acalmar sua mente nos últimos anos de sua vida, de modo que ela não mais sabia disso. Mas já era tarde demais: Thagret já havia passado o veneno para seus filhos.
Assim, com a escuridão rastejando sobre a galáxia, o próprio Imperador se tornou ativo. Isso foi incomum, porque até agora ele deixou o trabalho sujo para os outros. Seu objetivo era, aparentemente, o setor esmeralda, mais precisamente, a Terra.”
Genrod suspirou. “Nós agora sabemos que seu plano levou anos para se concretizar, mas ele fez isso: a Terra, anteriormente intocada por eventos galácticos, tomou conhecimento das atividades da galáxia Foi destruído pelo Império em 3049. Ao mesmo tempo, seu amigo Jarmo Dorak, que estava procurando o templo da harpa do vento, desapareceu “.
Beatrice assentiu silenciosamente. O embaixador continuou: “Possuir o plano era envolver a Terra nos eventos galácticos, mas, como descobrimos, volta a uma idade negra, com superstição e sentimentos anti-científicos espalhando-se para demagoges em mais e mais países O LIGA DOS PLANETAS colocou em quarentena a terra até que os terráqueos entraram em seus sentidos.
E queremos ajudá-los. Estamos aqui na sede da ASTROCOHORS para o setor de Vespu Sanoza. O ACELS vem trabalhando para tirar alguns Terrans talentosos do planeta e treinar no espaço. Esperamos que ensinem a razão e a tolerância do Terrans quando retornam ao seu planeta natal. Um grupo de estudantes em breve estará aqui. “
Agora o almirante Vargas interveio. “Esperávamos que você servisse esse grupo, comandante”.
“Eu?” Beatrice ficou surpresa.
“Sim, você!”, Confirmou Vargas. “Eu acho que você é o mais qualificado, então qual é o desafio?”
“Muito, senhor, mas … você acha que isso é suficiente?”
“O que você quer dizer?”
“Trazendo alguns estudantes à vida na galáxia, tudo bem, mas temos que começar na Terra!”
A ACELS riu. “Agora eu sei por que o Almirante Vargas sugeriu você, Comandante, sim, você pensa, nós precisamos de pessoas assim! No que diz respeito às suas preocupações, você não precisa se preocupar, há pessoas razoavelmente razoáveis na Terra, nós iremos e levar seus pensamentos sábios para o mundo, então estamos viajando em duas direções, aqui em Vespu Sanoza, em outros lugares da galáxia, mas também na Terra “.
“Se você concorda”, o Almirante Vargas disse: “Preparei alguns documentos para você em seu computador, e estudantes estarão aqui amanhã, e você tem algum tempo para se preparar”.
“E o programa para a Terra já está começando hoje”, acrescentou o embaixador. “Especialmente em seu país de origem, o Brasil”.
Os dois se despediram. Beatrice ficou sozinha na varanda.
“Jarmo”, ela disse em seus pensamentos, “agora é um momento difícil, você vai voltar, sua pesquisa conseguiu, onde você está?”
Jarmo não podia ouvi-la. Se ele pudesse ter ouvido, suas respostas seriam sim. Sim. No Fluxo…

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The Forbidden Experiment

At last it was time. The whole search that had occupied Jarmo Dorak for years was about to come to an end. The last clue he found would lead him to the Temple of the Wind Harp. But the location of the temple was far outside the solar system. Therefore, he had to apply to act on the official behalf of ASTROCOHORS COMMAND. The competencies of the ASTROCOHORS CLUB ended here. The leadership of ASTROCOHORS COMMAND knew that this was actually a forbidden experiment. Such a mission would not be undertaken by one space fleet officer alone. But the circumstances were anything but ordinary. So the Admiralty gave in to Dorak’s wish to fly alone to the presumed location of the temple.

That day, Jarmo Dorak boarded the spacecraft that ASTROCOHORS COMMAND had made available to him. He set off into the unknown. The jump into hyperspace he made was the last documented event. After that, his trail is lost.

What happened? Possibly the inclined viewer learns more here…

Photo by Kal Visuals on Unsplash

The Lure of Light

Transferência dos arquivos, anotações do diário do capitão da frota Manoel Vargas nas últimas semanas. Preocupações ASTROCOHORS CLUB.


Se um dia o ASTROCOHORS CLUB tiver uma seção própria para o Brasil, teremos que trabalhar para isso aos poucos. Temos que começar onde queremos nos estabelecer. Parece que os pais da tenente-comandante Beatriz del Almeida eram donos de terras. Aqui é a sede local da ASTROCOHORS, provavelmente poderíamos ficar aqui com eles.

Vamos dar uma olhada.


Com o amanhecer daquele dia, uma nova esperança pode ter surgido. Existe um espírito de otimismo no Brasil. Mesmo que ASTROCOHORS ainda tenha que operar em segredo, ainda podemos alcançar algo. O que eu pessoalmente não gosto é o fato de dependermos dessa empresa privada. Mas o que parece é a situação. Então, vamos esperar o Tenente Comandante Dorak chegar e torcer pelo melhor.



Alguma coisa estranha está acontecendo. Algo me diz que a criação de uma sede separada para um departamento brasileiro não é um momento muito cedo.


Meus sentimentos nunca me enganaram. Os acontecimentos dos últimos dias mostram claramente que precisamos da nova sede. Vamos configurar isso agora. A questão é quando teremos uma confirmação oficial do ASTROCOHORS CLUB.


O Tenente Comandante Dorak está saindo novamente. A nova sede está pronta. Nós os usaremos mesmo que ainda não sejamos um departamento oficial do ASTROCOHORS CLUB. Mas chegará a hora. Eu posso sentir isso no ar. Tenho medo de que algo aconteça neste país. Não no mundo. Algo ruim. Vamos ver como podemos sair bem de lá.

Flaming Death

This tale begins in the year 2006, in the city of San Francisco, where a young man named Jack Dorsey had a burning idea. Inspired by the concept of short, status updates and the efficiency of SMS messages, he envisioned a platform that would allow people to express themselves in brief bursts of 140 characters or less. And so, the foundations of Twitter were laid.

But like any good story, there were twists and turns along the way. Jack Dorsey, along with his co-founders Biz Stone and Evan Williams, faced numerous challenges in bringing their creation to life. Funding was scarce, and the team encountered technical hurdles that threatened to ground their ambitious project before it ever took flight.

However, like the resilient little bird they had chosen as their mascot, the team persisted. In March 2006, Twitter officially took its first fluttering steps into the world, with its first-ever tweet sent by Jack Dorsey: “just setting up my twttr.” The simplicity and novelty of the concept quickly caught the attention of early adopters, and the platform began to gain traction.

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At the time, nobody would have believed that an old saying would come true: If you fly too high, you get too close to the sun. And like Daedalus, son of Icarus, Twitter fell toward flaming death.

The Palace of Horror

I would like to testify that I was officially involved in the affairs of the ASTROCOHORS CLUB that day. On that day we had noticed an unusual blip in the lower band. As it turned out, this was the first contact with an alien realm, where an evil overlord was trying to seize control and rule the realms from his Palace of Horrors.
But as I found out, his arrogance over a few freaks was his undoing. He wanted to dominate them all, this lord of freaks.
This is the story of a downfall.

The Lord of the Freaks – Part 1: The Fellowship of the Freaks

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The Lord of the Freaks – Part 2: The Two Freaks

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The Lord of the Freaks – Part 3: The Return of the Freak

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This was a journey that took three years to be completed. Thanks to the brave inhabitants of this strange world, a catastrophe was averted. The connection between the realms has been closed. But it seems like there are some happy hobbits on our side who want to make everyday life better. If so, we can only welcome it. Until then we will have to wait and see.

Me at the zoo | YouTube

If you only have one dimension available, things can get tiresome quickly. But maybe this coin has two sides. The creativity must not be limited. And that was exactly the idea when a couple of friends had something to discuss: Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim, who were all early employees of PayPal. Hurley had studied design at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and Chen and Karim studied computer science together at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign.

The inspiration for a new kind of video website obviously first came from Janet Jackson’s role in 2004 Super Bowl incident when her breast was exposed during her performance, and later from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Karim could not easily find video clips of either event online, which led to the idea of a video sharing site. Hurley and Chen said that the original idea was a video version of an online dating service, and had been influenced by the website Hot or Not. They created posts on Craigslist asking attractive women to upload videos of themselves to YouTube in exchange for a $100 reward. Difficulty in finding enough dating videos led to a change of plans, with the site’s founders deciding to accept uploads of any type of video.

Hurley and Chen developed the idea during the early months of 2005, after they had experienced difficulty sharing videos that had been shot at a dinner party at Chen’s apartment in San Francisco.

The domain name was activated on February 14, 2005, and the website was developed over the subsequent months. The first YouTube video, titled Me at the zoo, shows co-founder Jawed Karim at the San Diego Zoo. The video was uploaded on April 23, 2005.

You never know where things are going. But maybe it is worth adding a new location to this story. So there is a new department of the ASTROCOHORS CLUB:


starting with a simple visit at the zoo. Because the elephants, you know…


What will you do, when they get you?

What will you do, when they break you?

If you continue, what will you… become?

(c) 2005 YouTube

Parts of this article contains information from the Wikipedia article “YouTube“. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.

Walking Bombs

Finally a time of silence … of peace …
How long did he wait for it? He couldn’t say that. Jarmo Dorak looked at his own picture in the mirror.

Have you gotten older, old buddy? He asked himself. His brown hair – has it gotten lighter? His blue eyes, did they show he was almost 34 years old?
He hoped they don’t.

A rumble shook the shuttle. Landing. The arrival. They had finally arrived.
“Commander”, said the pilot from his seat, “we are now in the parking position. Shall I wait?”
“What are your general orders?”
“To ask you if I should wait.”
Thanks for that exact answer, thought Dorak. He moved his hand around his chin.
“Well, as far as I know, there are many transports waiting, it won’t be wise to keep you waiting here. Contact VERI’S BASTION and let them know that you are ready to depart. I will inform you if I need a return transport. “
“Yes sir!”
The door opened and Jarmo got off the shuttle. The little ship had landed in front of a castle-like building made of sand-colored stone. A shipyard. In front of it lay a ship that was almost ready to sail. A sailing ship. But Dorak knew that inside the building was one of the most modern shipyards for spaceships. He walked towards the building. A guard stood near a staircase leading up to the stairs.
“Sir,” he said, “may I see your ID?”
Dorak took his identity card out of the pocket of his uniform trousers. Of course he was wearing the ASTROCOHORS uniform, but the guard had to make sure. He took the ID card and inserted it into an electronic reader. A few seconds later, the device confirmed the identity.
“Everything’s alright, Commander!”, Said the security guard and gave Jarmo his card back, “You can pass!”
“Thanks very much.”
The commander went up the stairs to a door. He opened it and finally entered the building. Inside was a large room. Dorak was in a kind of gallery, a path along the wall to the other side of the room, where he disappeared into a door. The shipyard’s construction hall was located below. And there was a small ship in it. It was in the shape of a rounded triangle. To be precise, all of the shapes on it were round, even the front went up in a round. It looked sleek and elegant. On the front there were some letters that read:

SCSV 1512

He could only see one side from where he was, but assumed that name was on both sides of the ship. A prototype. A development from other ships. Something completely new. “SCSV” stood for “Space Cruising and Submergence Vehicle”. It could fly in space, in the atmosphere of a planet, and it could even dive, swim, and submerge in water. At least in theory. But half a dozen technicians ran around and climbed onto the little ship. One repaired the hull with a welder. Sparks flew everywhere. Another was looking at a blueprint.
Suddenly Dorak heard a woman’s voice. He could not understand the first words, but thought they were spoken in a language of the continent of Europe. The next few words were in the common language so that he could understand them.
“No! No!” Said the woman, “That belongs here and that belongs there!”
Then Dorak saw her. Before she had stood behind the ship, now she came around, another technician followed her. She looked like she was under stress. The technician looked like that too. But she wasn’t a technician. The overalls she was wearing indicated that she was a pilot. And she had a hard hat on. After all, it was a shipyard and they worked hard here.
Dorak walked down the path to the other side. When he came through the door, he finally found another flight of stairs down. He went down the stairs and now entered the construction hall on the lower level. Up close, the ship looked even more impressive. But now Dorak saw the other side of it and saw that a part the size of 1 square meter had been removed from the fuselage. And there was a technician working there.
The woman came back around the ship. She looked at a data pad and again said something Dorak couldn’t understand. But he thought it was Portuguese.
“Excuse me,” he said.
“Yes?” She looked up and was surprised to see him.
“I’m Lieutenant Commander Jarmo Dorak from ASTROCOHORS CLUB,” he said, “Are you the officer in charge of the ATLANTICA project?”

Beatriz del Almeida

“Yes I am,” she said.
“Nice to meet you!”
“Nice to meet you too, Commander Jarmo Dorak.” Jarmo found the way she called him a little strange, but he didn’t let it show. “May I introduce myself,” she continued. “I’m Lieutenant Commander Beatriz de Almeida. I’m Brazilian. Almeida comes from my father’s family. He was from Portugal.”
“He was …” began Dorak.
“Yes, he’s already …”
“I am sorry!”
“That’s okay! Actually, both of my parents are dead. They died in an accident. It happened during a trip to Earth seven years ago.”
As she talked, she moved back to the spaceship. She gave the technicians some final orders and let them go on with their work.
“It’s noon,” she said then, without taking her eyes off the hull of the spaceship. “Would you like to join me for lunch? We could talk about the project. That was what you wanted to talk about in the first place, right?”
“Yes, that’s right. I accept the offer. Let’s go!”

A restaurant in an ASTROCOHORS spaceport isn’t exactly a glamorous place to be, but that wasn’t a “real” date anyway. Beatriz felt awful when she excused herself to go to the bathroom and saw those big black bags under her eyes in the mirror. The result of three nights of work without sleep. She worked pretty hard on the ATLANTICA project and because of her intense commitment, her superiors decided to give her a very special mission. As always, she looked in the mirror and started talking to herself again …

“Do I really look thirty-four? My friends say I don’t, but how can I trust them? They like me. I don’t really like that light brown color in my hair. I should have listened to my brother and kept the red as he did. It’s too late now! “

She left the bathroom feeling even worse. She felt older and even more tired. Still, she managed to resume the conversation and ask Dorak what he wanted to eat. They also found something on the menu. Jarmo wanted to be polite and asked if Beatrice would like to drink wine.

“Not for me,” she declined. “I’ve worked so hard these days. A glass would make me fall asleep for days … Sorry!”

“No problem.” In his mind he rebuked himself. What’s the matter with you? He asked himself. You act like this is a date. You don’t drink alcohol yourself, so why now?
He tried to focus his mind on something else.
“Are you telling me about the project?” He asked her. “Something tells me it’s busy. Is that correct?”
“Yes, that’s right and I’m glad you came because I was supposed to see you earlier, but I really didn’t find the time.”
“Well, then I’ll tell you what I know about this mission. Very little, actually. Our mission, in a few words, is to get the ATLANTICA up and running and to test it.”
“Yeah, pretty much that, but we have to do ‘something extra’, Mr. Dorak.”
“Please call me Jarmo. What would that ‘extra something’ be, Miss Almeida?”
“You can call me Beatriz, okay? We’re partners now, so … I’m telling you everything I know. ASTROCOHORS has some reason to believe that there might be a place on Earth that is hidden underwater Its location is not entirely clear yet, but scientists believe it is somewhere in the southern hemisphere. Geologists say volcanic activity has submerged large areas of land. Just think of Doggerland. “
“But … if it was a volcano, then there shouldn’t be anything left of the land masses.”
“Special laboratories have been searching the oceans for some time. They use special ships like the ATLANTICA. They found significant evidence that there is life in certain regions. And it is underwater.”
“I understand. In addition to flying, our ship is also equipped for underwater trips.”
“Yes,” confirmed Beatriz, “we also have diving suits on board for a wide variety of water depths. However, the armor for the extreme depths must be touched up again. Something is wrong with the energy generators. If someone uses such a suit, he is at the moment more som sort of walking bomb. “
“But wait, what exactly is that land mass we are supposed to find there?”
“I’m not sure yet. That’s why they want us on this mission. What I know is that this is the first time we are to use our ship underwater. We will be the first to dive with the ATLANTICA. Isn’t it great? Aren’t you looking forward to it? “
She was very excited. It was almost contagious.
“Okay,” she smiled. “I’ll tell you what I know. Have you ever heard of the Cita Nalur icosahedron?”
Dorak’s eyes lit up. “Now it’s getting even more interesting!” He said. “The icosahedron is said to be part of a network to which the temple of the wind harp also belongs. It could be a trace to the temple.”
Now Beatrice smiled too. “Yes, and what is hidden under the water is supposed to be Cita Nalur itself! And what do you say now?”
Jarmo was flabbergasted. He was silent. Then he hugged Beatrice. Simply that way. Quite spontaneously. He had to express his exuberance of emotion. Beatrice was surprised, but not averse. It had been a long time since anyone had hugged her.
Then Dorak broke the embrace again. “Sorry,” he muttered. “That … was the excitement.”
“That’s fine,” she replied. “With the enthusiasm we both have, we should have succeeded in locating Cita Nalur!”
“And to see what is true of all the legends and what is not,” added Jarmo.
The waiter came and brought them the drinks, chilled mineral water.
“Mineral water or not,” said Dorak, “we can toast with it. I think this is a great moment. And we have something great ahead of us! To a good cooperation!”
Jarmo and Beatriz raised their glasses. “To a good cooperation!”, Said Beatrice.
The glasses rang and both looked into each other’s eyes. Then they each took a sip.
“This is how we continued the story of the ASTROCOHORS CLUB,” said Dorak. “Maybe at some point we should open departments.”

An Eye for an Eye

Mei-Lin Zhou had been chasing Lord Pavor for months now. She had been following clues from planet to planet, trying to uncover his location and put an end to his reign of terror. Mei-Lin was a skilled detective, but she was also a fighter. She had taken down countless members of Pavor’s terrorist group, but she knew that the only way to truly stop him was to find him and take him out.

Mei-Lin was on her way to the next planet on her list when she received a message from an unknown sender. The message contained coordinates for a planet she had never heard of before, along with a simple message: “Come alone.”

Mei-Lin was suspicious, but she knew that she couldn’t pass up any potential leads. She landed on the planet, which was covered in dense forests and towering mountains. As she made her way through the trees, she heard a rustling in the bushes.

“Who’s there?” she called out.

A man stepped out from behind the trees. He was tall and lean, with piercing blue eyes and a rugged beard. Mei-Lin had never seen him before.

“I’m Jarmo Dorak,” he said, holding out his hand. “You must be Mei-Lin Zhou.”

Mei-Lin hesitated for a moment before shaking his hand. “How did you know my name?”

“I know a lot of things,” Jarmo said with a smirk. “Including the fact that we’re both looking for Lord Pavor.”

Mei-Lin narrowed her eyes. “What makes you think that?”

“I have reason to believe that he stole an ancient artifact from me,” Jarmo said. “And I think that artifact might be the key to finding him.”

Mei-Lin was intrigued. “What kind of artifact?”

“It’s a small, black sphere,” Jarmo said. “It’s said to have mystical powers. I’ve been searching for it for a long time, and I finally traced it to this planet. But when I got here, I found out that Pavor had already taken it.”

Mei-Lin frowned. “Why would Pavor want an ancient artifact?”

“I don’t know,” Jarmo admitted. “But I do know that we’re both after the same thing. And I think that if we work together, we might be able to find Pavor and the artifact.”

Mei-Lin hesitated. She wasn’t used to working with others, especially not strangers. But something about Jarmo’s confident demeanor and piercing blue eyes made her trust him.

“Okay,” she said. “Let’s work together.”

Jarmo grinned. “Great. I think I know where to start.”

Jarmo led Mei-Lin to a small spaceship that was hidden behind a row of trees. They climbed aboard and Jarmo set the coordinates for the next planet on their list.

As they flew through space, Jarmo filled Mei-Lin in on what he knew about the artifact.

“It’s called the Eye of the Phoenix,” he said. “Legend has it that it can grant immortality to whoever possesses it. But it’s also said to have a dark side. Anyone who uses it for evil will be cursed. But those are… well, just legends. The Eye of the Phoenix is more or less a map. But you know, legends can inspire people. So they hunt after this artifact in search for eternal life, and they do it at all costs.”

Mei-Lin raised an eyebrow. “Sounds like a dangerous thing to be chasing after.”

“It is,” Jarmo admitted. “But I have to find it. It’s the only way to… well, I have to find it.”

Mei-Lin didn’t press him for more information. She could tell that Jarmo was holding something back, but she also knew that she had her own reasons for stopping Pavor.

They landed on the next planet, which was a barren desert wasteland. The heat was scorching, and Mei-Lin had to shield her eyes from the blinding sun. Jarmo led her to a small outpost on the edge of the desert. The outpost was a ramshackle building made of scrap metal and old machine parts. A group of rough-looking men stood guard outside, eyeing Mei-Lin and Jarmo suspiciously.

“We need to get inside,” Jarmo whispered to Mei-Lin. “I think they might know something about Pavor.”

Mei-Lin nodded, and the two of them approached the guards. Jarmo flashed a small silver badge, which seemed to satisfy the guards. They stepped aside, allowing Mei-Lin and Jarmo to enter the outpost.

Inside, the air was thick with the smell of oil and sweat. Mei-Lin and Jarmo made their way through a maze of corridors, searching for any clues about Pavor’s whereabouts. They eventually came to a small room at the end of a hallway. Inside, a group of men were gathered around a table, studying a map of the planet.

Jarmo stepped forward. “Excuse me,” he said. “We’re looking for information about a man named Lord Pavor. Have you seen him?”

The men looked up, eyeing Mei-Lin and Jarmo warily. One of them spoke up. “Why are you looking for Pavor?”

Jarmo hesitated for a moment before pulling out a small device. “We’re tracking an artifact that he stole from us. It’s very important.”

The men exchanged a look before one of them nodded. “We heard that Pavor was seen near the old mining site. But be careful. That place is crawling with his men.”

Mei-Lin and Jarmo thanked the men before making their way out of the outpost. As they walked through the scorching desert, Jarmo turned to Mei-Lin.

“I didn’t tell them the whole truth,” he said. “Maybe they’ve heard about the legends. The dangerous ones, you know. But I must warn you: Pavor has heard of the legends, he wants to become immortal and will be trying to use it to take over the solar system.”

Mei-Lin frowned. “Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?”

“I didn’t know if I could trust you,” Jarmo admitted. “But now I do. And I need your help to stop him.”

Mei-Lin nodded. “I’m in.”

They took off again, this time headed for a moon on the outer edges of the solar system. The moon was rumored to be haunted, and Mei-Lin felt a chill run down her spine as they approached. As they landed, they saw that the rumors were true. The moon was shrouded in mist, and strange noises echoed through the air.

Jarmo led Mei-Lin through the mist, searching for any sign of Pavor or the Eye of the Phoenix. They came to a small abandoned mining village, where the streets were lined with empty buildings and rusted machinery.

As they walked through the village, Mei-Lin saw a flash of movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned, but saw nothing.

“Did you see that?” she asked Jarmo.

Jarmo shook his head. “See what?”

“Never mind,” Mei-Lin said, shaking her head. “Let’s keep moving.”

They continued through the village, searching for any clues. Mei-Lin heard the sound of footsteps behind her, but when she turned, there was no one there.

Suddenly, a figure appeared out of the mist. It was a man, dressed in tattered clothing and carrying a large rifle. Mei-Lin and Jarmo tensed, ready for a fight, but the man simply nodded at them before disappearing back into the mist.

“What was that about?” Mei-Lin asked.

“I don’t know,” Jarmo said. “But we need to be careful. This place is dangerous.”

They made their way deeper into the village, eventually coming to an old mine shaft. Jarmo led the way, the light from his device casting eerie shadows on the walls.

Suddenly, they heard a sound behind them. They spun around, weapons drawn, but saw nothing.

“Okay, I’m starting to get a little freaked out,” Mei-Lin said.

“I know,” Jarmo said. “But we have to keep going. The Eye of the Phoenix must be here somewhere.”

They pressed on, deeper into the mine shaft. The air grew colder, and Mei-Lin felt a sense of unease wash over her. Suddenly, they came to a large chamber. In the center of the chamber was a pedestal, on top of which sat a small, glowing orb.

“The Eye of the Phoenix,” Jarmo whispered.

But before they could reach the pedestal, a group of men emerged from the shadows, weapons raised.

“Pavor’s men,” Jarmo said.

Mei-Lin and Jarmo fought with everything they had, taking down Pavor’s men one by one. But more and more kept coming, and soon they were outnumbered. Just when it seemed like all was lost, a group of figures appeared out of the mist. They were the same people Mei-Lin had seen earlier, dressed in tattered clothing and carrying weapons.

Together, they fought off Pavor’s men, their combined strength overwhelming their attackers. When the last of Pavor’s men fell, Mei-Lin and Jarmo turned to face their unlikely allies.

“Why did you help us?” Mei-Lin asked.

The leader of the group stepped forward. “We’ve been fighting against Pavor for years. We saw you as our chance to finally defeat him.”

Mei-Lin and Jarmo thanked their new allies before grabbing the glowing orb. But as Jarmo lifted it up it stopped glowing.

Mei-Lin looked puzzled. “What does this mean?”

“A fake!” Jarmo got angry. He was fooled like a stupid beginner. Of course Parvo would never leave his most precious treasure somewhere.

“And what now?” Mei-Lin shrugged.

“I have some information where Pavor could be,” Jarmo replied. “We have to try.”

They made their way back to their ship. Their journey eventually led them to Saturn, where Pavor’s secret hideout was located in the middle of a lake. They landed their ship on the edge of the lake before making their way to the hideout on foot.

As they approached, Mei-Lin and Jarmo saw that Pavor’s men were everywhere, guarding the entrance to the hideout.

“We have to be careful,” Jarmo whispered. “We don’t want to be spotted.”

They crept along the edge of the lake, staying in the shadows. When they were close enough, they sprang into action, taking down the guards with surprising ease. They made their way into the hideout, weapons at the ready. The interior was dimly lit, and the sound of footsteps echoed through the halls.

Suddenly, they heard a voice. “Well, well, well. Look who decided to pay me a visit.”

It was Lord Pavor himself, standing at the end of a long hallway. He was tall and imposing, his eyes gleaming with malice.

Mei-Lin and Jarmo stepped forward, weapons raised. “We’re here to stop you,” Mei-Lin said.

Pavor laughed. “You think you can defeat me? I have an entire army at my disposal.”

Mei-Lin and Jarmo braced themselves for a fight, but before they could move, something unexpected happened. Pavor’s own men turned on him, realizing that he was using them for his own gain.

A fierce battle broke out between Pavor’s loyalists and those who had turned against him. Mei-Lin and Jarmo took advantage of the chaos to make their way deeper into the hideout.

As they moved through the dimly lit halls, they encountered more of Pavor’s men. They fought their way through, determined to get to the heart of the hideout.

Finally, they reached a large chamber, where Pavor was waiting for them. He was flanked by his most loyal men, and he looked furious.

“You’ll never defeat me,” he said. “I have the Eye of the Phoenix, and I have the power to destroy you.”

He held up the small, glowing orb, and Mei-Lin and Jarmo could feel its power radiating through the room.

But then, something surprising happened. Jarmo stepped forward, holding up a torch light. As the light hit the orb, a hologram appeared over their heads, showing a star map.”

“The Eye of the Phoenix is not a weapon,” he said. “It’s a key and a map. A map to a great mystery.”

Pavor looked confused, and Mei-Lin took advantage of the moment to strike. She lunged forward, her blade flashing in the dim light.

The fight was brutal, but in the end, Mei-Lin emerged victorious. She stood over Pavor’s fallen body, panting with exertion.

Jarmo approached her, holding the Eye of the Phoenix in his hand. “What do we do with this?” he asked.

Mei-Lin looked at him, and then at the artifact. “You can examine it and get whatever information you need. Then we give it back to the people it belongs to,” she said.

It took Jarmo and Mei-Lin one day to decipher the map. Together, they then made their way back to the village on Venus. The people there welcomed them with open arms, and they presented the Eye of the Phoenix to the village elder.

The elder thanked them, and then turned to the rest of the village. “We have been fighting for our freedom for years,” she said. “And now, thanks to these two brave warriors, we have it.”

Mei-Lin and Jarmo watched as the villagers celebrated, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over them. They had accomplished what they had set out to do, and they had done it together.

As the night wore on, Mei-Lin and Jarmo found themselves talking about everything that had happened. They talked about the dangers they had faced, the people they had met, and the bond they had formed.

As they spoke, they grew closer, their hearts beating in unison. They knew that they had been through something incredible together, and that they had come out stronger for it.

In the end, they decided to continue their adventures together, exploring the galaxy and fighting for what was right. They knew that there would always be more battles to fight, but they were ready for the new adventure that lay ahead. And so, Mei-Lin and Jarmo set off into the stars, their hearts full of hope and their eyes fixed firmly on the future.

A Beast at Bay

Mei-Lin watched the destruction from afar. The once-beautiful city Vuban of Neptune was now a smoldering wasteland. The blue-green island was now an eerie shade of gray. The ocean’s waves no longer lapped at the shore, instead replaced with debris and rubble. She had arrived too late to stop the attack, but she was determined to find those responsible.

She walked through the destruction, careful not to step on anything that could harm her. She saw the bodies of the victims of the attack, and her heart sank. She knew that she had to do something to bring those responsible to justice.

As she walked, she found a piece of paper that had been partially burnt but still had legible writing on it. The paper was a flyer for a party that had been held the night before the attack. Mei-Lin knew that it could be a clue, so she took it with her.

Mei-Lin went to the address on the flyer, which led her to a luxurious apartment building. She knocked on the door of the apartment where the party had been held but got no answer. She tried to listen for any sounds from inside but heard nothing.

She decided to wait, thinking that someone would eventually come out of the apartment. After a few hours of waiting, a man came out, and Mei-Lin followed him. He led her to an underground parking lot where he got into a car and drove off.

Mei-Lin tried to memorize the license plate number and the make and model of the car, but it was too dark to see. She decided to ask around and see if anyone had seen the car.

Mei-Lin asked the local authorities if they had any information about the car she had seen. They told her that they had seen a car matching the description she gave, but it had been reported stolen.

She then went to a local bar and started asking questions. She learned that the car belonged to a local gang, and that the gang had been seen in the area around the time of the attack. She also learned that the gang was known for being ruthless and for having a leader named “The Tiger.” What? Wasn’t he in prison? Did he escape?

Mei-Lin found out where the Tiger’s hideout was and made her way there. The hideout was a dingy warehouse on the outskirts of the city. Mei-Lin could hear music coming from inside, and she knew that the gang was having a party.

She sneaked around the warehouse, looking for a way in. She found an open window and crawled inside. Once inside, she realized that she had underestimated the size of the gang. There were dozens of members, all heavily armed and dangerous.

Mei-Lin tried to blend in, but she knew that it was only a matter of time before someone recognized her. She started to look for any clues that might help her find the Tiger.

Mei-Lin found a notebook with a list of the gang’s hideouts. She also found a journal that belonged to the Tiger. She read through it, hoping to find any information that would lead her to him.

She was in the middle of reading when she heard footsteps. She turned around and saw a man standing in front of her. He had a gun pointed at her, and he looked angry.

“You don’t belong here,” he said.

Mei-Lin knew that she had been caught. She tried to talk her way out of the situation, but the man was not interested in listening. He takes a step towards her, but she was faster. While she was talking to him, she pulled a small vial out of her pocket. Now she threw it in his face. The vial was designed to burst when it hit the guard’s forehead. Its contents, a strange green liquid, spilled onto the guard’s face. He immediately fell down and was unconscious.
“It was a boring conversation anyway,” Mei-Lin murmured. She searched the guard and found an access card. This could be useful so she took it from him. Then she turned back to the papers and found what she was looking for: a map! On this map was marked a point that seemed to be important.

Mei-Lin was about to sneak away when she noticed another piece of paper. What was that? The outline of a building was drawn on the paper. It took a moment, then Mei-Lin realized that it was the outline of the prison where the Tiger had been held captive. So someone had freed him! But who?

She had just asked herself the question when she saw a mark on the paper. She had to look closely, but then she could make out the letters: L-O-R-D P-A-V-O-R. She had heard that name before. Like the Tiger, he too was a terrorist leader. But that he was now working with the tiger…
“One thing at a time,” Mei-Lin said to herself. Do the urgent things first. Find out more about what’s going on and then hunt down the Tiger, Lord Pavor or whoever.

Mei-Lin left the city and headed towards the coordinates on the map. After several hours of driving, she finally arrived at the destination. It was an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere. The windows were shattered, and the roof was caved in. Mei-Lin hesitated for a moment, but then she steeled herself and got out of the car.

She entered the building with caution, taking each step carefully. The place was filled with debris and garbage, but there was a path that looked recently cleared. She followed it, and after a few turns, she found herself facing a steel door. There was a card reader next to it, and Mei-Lin used the access card she had obtained from the guard. The door slid open with a hiss, and Mei-Lin stepped inside.

The room was dimly lit, and Mei-Lin could hear the sound of machinery in the background. She could see a figure sitting in front of a console, typing away at the keyboard. Mei-Lin approached the figure cautiously, and when she was close enough, she saw that it was a woman. The woman was in her early thirties, with short blonde hair and green eyes. She was wearing a lab coat over her clothes, and Mei-Lin could see that there were various tools and gadgets scattered around the room.

The woman looked up when Mei-Lin cleared her throat, and a smile appeared on her face. “Ah, you must be Mei-Lin,” she said, standing up from the console. “I’ve been expecting you.”

Mei-Lin narrowed her eyes. “Who are you?”

The woman chuckled. “My name is Dr. Rachel Lee. I’m the one who designed the weapon that was used in the attack on Neptune.”

Mei-Lin’s eyes widened. “You’re the one responsible for killing all those people?”

Dr. Lee shrugged. “I’m a scientist. I don’t concern myself with the ethics of my work. I’m only interested in pushing the boundaries of what is possible.”

Mei-Lin gritted her teeth. “Where is Lord Pavor?”

Dr. Lee shook her head. “I don’t know. He’s gone into hiding, and I haven’t heard from him in weeks.”

Mei-Lin’s fists clenched. “You expect me to believe that?”

Dr. Lee shrugged. “Believe what you want. The fact remains that I can help you find him.”

Mei-Lin raised an eyebrow. “And why would you want to do that?”

Dr. Lee smiled. “Let’s just say that Lord Pavor and I have a difference of opinion. I’d like to see him brought to justice, and I’m willing to help you do that.”

Mei-Lin hesitated for a moment, but then she nodded. “Fine. What do you know?”

Dr. Lee walked back to the console and typed something into the keyboard. “I’ve been tracking his movements, and I’ve found that he’s been communicating with someone on Mars. I don’t know who this person is, but I do have their location.”

Mei-Lin frowned. “And where is that?”

Dr. Lee turned to face her. “It’s a secret facility on the outskirts of Olympus Mons. It’s heavily guarded, but if you’re careful, you should be able to sneak in.”

Mei-Lin nodded. “Thank you, Dr. Lee. I’ll take it from here.”

Dr. Lee smiled. “Good luck, Mei-Lin. And be careful. Lord Pavor is not someone to be trifled with.”

Mei-Lin left the room and headed back to her car. The term “car” was a bit imprecise, it was a vehicle that worked with antigravity. However, Mei-Lin didn’t care, the main thing was that she could reach her goal. Frighteningly, finding the tiger’s lair was very easy. It was exactly where the scientist had described it. One facility, one big building. And an inviting staircase leading upstairs.

Mei-Lin’s heart raced as she reached the top of the stairs. She could hear voices coming from the other side of the door. Taking a deep breath, she slowly pushed the door open.

The room inside was dark and filled with smoke. Mei-Lin could barely make out the shapes of people moving around in the shadows. She could hear the sound of weapons being loaded, and her heart rate increased even more.

Suddenly, a beam of light shone in her direction, and she realized that she had been spotted. Without thinking, she drew her gun and fired, taking down the man holding the flashlight.

The other terrorists quickly sprang into action, firing their weapons at Mei-Lin. She dove behind a nearby crate, returning fire as quickly as she could.

The sound of gunshots echoed through the room as the two sides exchanged fire. Mei-Lin could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she dodged bullets and fired back at her attackers.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the gunfire died down. Mei-Lin slowly stood up, scanning the room for any signs of movement. She could see the bodies of several terrorists lying on the ground, but there was no sign of Dirus.

As she cautiously made her way towards the exit, she heard a faint sound coming from behind a nearby door. She approached it slowly, gun at the ready, and pushed it open.

Inside, she found Dirus, his hands on a console. He turned around, a wicked smile on his face.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Mei-Lin,” he said.

Mei-Lin raised her gun, aiming it directly at Dirus. “It’s over, Dirus. You’re going to pay for what you’ve done.”

Dirus just chuckled. “You have no idea what you’re up against, Mei-Lin. Lord Pavor is more powerful than you can imagine. He’s been planning this for years, and you’re just a small piece in his game.”

Mei-Lin didn’t flinch. “I don’t care. I’ll stop him, no matter what it takes.”

With that, she pulled the trigger, and Dirus crumpled to the ground. Mei-Lin let out a sigh of relief, feeling the weight of the world lift off her shoulders.

But even as she left the room, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something bigger was at play. Lord Pavor was still out there, and she knew that he wouldn’t give up until he had achieved his ultimate goal.

Mei-Lin made her way back to the surface of Neptune, feeling a mix of exhaustion and triumph. She knew that the fight was far from over, but she was determined to see it through to the end. She had come too far to back down now.

As she boarded her ship and set course for the next destination, Mei-Lin couldn’t help but wonder what other challenges lay ahead. But one thing was for sure: she was ready for anything that came her way.

The Miracle of Magic

After the mission on Titan, Lina was granted a pardon by the government. She was no longer a prisoner or an operative. She was a free woman.

But Lina wasn’t content to simply live out her days in peace. She still had questions about her past, about who she really was.

Lina spent weeks researching, investigating, and piecing together her fragmented memories. She traveled to different planets, spoke with people who might have known her, and studied ancient texts and artifacts.

And then, one day, Lina finally discovered the truth.

She learned that her real name was Mei-Lin Zhou. She was a scientist who specialized in the study of quantum physics and its potential applications in science and technology.

Mei-Lin had been working on a project to create a new form of energy that could revolutionize the way humans traveled through space. But her research had attracted the attention of a group of extremists who believed that magic should be kept hidden from the rest of the world.

These extremists, led by a man known only as the Tiger, had kidnapped Mei-Lin and brainwashed her into believing that she was one of their own. They had erased her memories and convinced her that she was a terrorist.

Mei-Lin was horrified by the truth of her past. But she was also relieved. Finally, she had an answer to the question that had haunted her for so long.

But there was still one more mystery to solve. Mei-Lin needed to know how she had ended up on Mercury, in the Temple with the Incense of Forgetfulness.

She returned to Mercury, determined to find the answer. She made her way to the temple, the same temple where she had awoken so many months before.

As she entered the temple, the familiar scent of incense filled her senses. She walked past the bowl, now empty, and made her way deeper into the temple.

Mei-Lin was overwhelmed by the memories of it all. But she was also grateful. She had found her answers, and she had discovered that a miracle of magic could change the course of a life. Like the Incense of Forgetfulness.

And so, Mei-Lin Zhou, the scientist and adventurer, set out on a new journey. A journey to explore the secrets of the quantum realm, to unlock its full potential, and to create a better future for all of humanity.

Mei-Lin couldn’t resist the temptation to explore the temple further. She had spent so much time here, yet she still didn’t know everything about this place.

She walked through the dark corridors, her eyes adjusting to the dim lighting. She saw familiar statues and ancient relics, but she also noticed new details that she hadn’t seen before.

As she walked deeper into the temple, she noticed a room that she had never seen before. The room was filled with intricate carvings on the walls, depicting scenes of ancient battles and magical rituals.

In the center of the room, there was a large pedestal with a small, glowing orb resting on top. Mei-Lin approached the pedestal, her curiosity getting the best of her.

As she got closer, she noticed that the orb was emitting a strange energy. Mei-Lin had a feeling that touching it would be dangerous, but she couldn’t resist.

She reached out and touched the orb. As soon as her fingers made contact, she was engulfed in a bright flash of light.

When the light faded, Mei-Lin found herself standing in a different room. The walls were covered in glittering jewels and precious metals, and the air was filled with the scent of incense.

Mei-Lin realized that she had been transported to a different part of the temple, a place that she had never seen before. She walked around, admiring the beautiful decorations and intricate carvings on the walls.

As she explored the room, she noticed a small door in the corner. It was barely visible, hidden behind a tapestry.

Mei-Lin pushed the tapestry aside and opened the door. She gasped as she saw what was inside.

The room was filled with ancient scrolls and books, all written in a language that Mei-Lin couldn’t read. She saw strange artifacts and objects, some of which she recognized from her studies.

Mei-Lin knew that she had stumbled upon a treasure trove of knowledge, a library that held the secrets of magic and science that had been lost to the world for centuries.

She spent hours in the library, reading and studying the ancient texts. She could read some, but not all. The people that once built this temple were really storing their complete knowledge here.

As she read, Mei-Lin realized that her journey was far from over. She had unlocked the secrets of her past, but now she had a new mission. She would use her knowledge to change the world, to make it a better place for all of sentient beings. And she would do it all in the name of Mei-Lin Zhou, the scientist and adventurer who had once been lost, but was now found.

With her newfound knowledge and understanding, Mei-Lin felt unstoppable. She knew that she had a purpose and a destiny to fulfill. She also knew that she needed to leave the temple and explore the rest of the solar system.

As she prepared to leave, she gathered as many books and artifacts as she could carry. She knew that they would be valuable resources for her in the future.

Mei-Lin smiled, then turned and left the temple. She stepped outside and took a deep breath of the fresh air, feeling the warmth of the sun on her face.

She knew that she had a lot of work to do, but she felt ready for it. She would use her knowledge of magic and science to explore the rest of the solar system and make a positive impact on the world.

As she looked out at the endless expanse of space, Mei-Lin felt a sense of wonder and excitement. She knew that there were countless adventures and discoveries waiting for her out there, and she couldn’t wait to see what the future held.

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and stepped forward into the unknown.

The Merciless

The woman had been given a new identity by the authorities: Lina Chen. It was a name that felt foreign on her tongue, but she had grown used to it. She had settled into her new life on Mars, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that her past was still out there, waiting for her.

One day, as she was walking through the bustling streets of the Martian capital, she saw a familiar face. It was the Tiger, the man who had led the terrorist group that she and Astra had infiltrated.

Lina’s heart raced as she watched him disappear into a crowded marketplace. She knew that she had to act fast. She contacted the government agents who had helped her before and told them what she had seen.

“We need to take him down,” Lina said. “He’s the only one who got away, and he’s still out there, plotting his next move.”

The agents agreed to help her, but they warned her that the Tiger was a dangerous man. He was known for his brutality and his merciless tactics.

“He won’t hesitate to kill anyone who gets in his way,” one of the agents said. “You need to be careful.”

Lina nodded, knowing that she couldn’t let fear stop her. She was determined to bring the Tiger to justice, no matter what it took.

Over the next few weeks, Lina tracked the Tiger across the solar system. She followed him to the barren wastelands of Venus, where he was recruiting a new army of followers.

Lina watched from a distance as the Tiger addressed his new recruits, promising them power and wealth beyond their wildest dreams. She felt sick to her stomach as she saw the desperation in their eyes, knowing that they were being manipulated by a ruthless killer.

But Lina knew that she couldn’t let her emotions get in the way. She had a job to do, and she had to do it well.

She waited until nightfall, when the Tiger and his followers had retired to their camps. She slipped into the Tiger’s tent, her heart pounding in her chest.

The Tiger was there, sleeping soundly. Lina pulled out her knife, ready to strike. But as she looked down at the man who had caused so much destruction and death, something inside her hesitated.

She knew that killing the Tiger would be the easy way out. It would be a quick and simple solution to a complex problem. But it wouldn’t bring back the lives that he had taken. It wouldn’t make things right.

Lina lowered her knife and backed away from the Tiger’s tent. She knew that she had to find another way to stop him, a way that didn’t involve violence or revenge.

As she made her way back to her ship, Lina felt a sense of purpose and clarity that she had never felt before. She knew that she had found her true calling: to fight for justice and to protect the innocent, no matter what the cost. And she knew that she had the strength and the courage to do it, even in the face of the most merciless enemies.

Lina returned to Mars with a renewed sense of purpose. She contacted the government agents and told them about her decision not to kill the Tiger.

“I know it might seem foolish,” Lina said. “But I believe that there’s always another way. Violence only begets more violence.”

The agents were skeptical, but they knew that Lina was a skilled operative and that she had a deep sense of morality.

“We’ll support you,” one of the agents said. “But we need to be careful. The Tiger won’t stop until he’s taken down everyone who stands in his way.”

Lina spent the next few weeks gathering intelligence on the Tiger’s movements and plans. She learned that he was planning a massive attack on a government facility on Saturn’s moon, Titan.

Lina knew that she had to stop him, no matter what it took. She gathered a team of operatives, including Astra, and they set out for Titan.

They arrived on Titan just in time to see the Tiger’s forces approaching the government facility. Lina and her team raced to intercept them, engaging them in a fierce battle.

The fighting was intense, and Lina knew that they were outnumbered. But she refused to back down. She fought with all her strength, her mind focused on her mission to stop the Tiger and protect the innocent.

As the battle raged on, Lina caught sight of the Tiger himself. He was leading the charge, his eyes blazing with fury and bloodlust.

Lina knew that this was her chance. She charged at the Tiger, her knife flashing in the moonlight. The two of them clashed, their blades ringing out in the night.

For a moment, it seemed as though the Tiger might overpower her. But Lina refused to give up. She fought with all her might, her heart filled with a fierce determination to protect the people she had sworn to defend.

And then, in a single swift move, Lina disarmed the Tiger. She held her knife to his throat, ready to end his reign of terror once and for all.

But as she looked into the Tiger’s eyes, she saw something that surprised her. She saw fear, and pain. She saw a man who had lost his way, and who didn’t know how to find it again.

Lina hesitated, her hand shaking. She knew that she had the power to end the Tiger’s life. But she also knew that she had the power to show him mercy.

In the end, Lina chose mercy. She spared the Tiger’s life, and handed him over to the authorities.

As she watched the Tiger being taken away, Lina knew that she had done the right thing. She had shown that there was always another way, that violence wasn’t the only solution. And she had shown that even the most merciless enemies could be redeemed.

Human Bait

The woman and Astra had been in prison for some months when she received an unexpected visit from a government agent. He had a proposition for her and Astra.

“There’s a terrorist group on Mars,” the agent explained, “and they’ve been causing a lot of trouble lately. They call themselves the ‘Tigers,’ and they’re responsible for a string of attacks on our colonies. We believe that they have ties to the group that you were involved with. We want you to go to Mars and infiltrate their organization.”

The woman listened, intrigued. It was a risky plan, but it might be their only chance to get out of prison.

“What do you want us to do?” she asked.

“We want you to act as human bait,” the agent said. “We’ll give you fake identities and a cover story. You’ll go to Mars and make contact with the Tigers. You’ll pretend to be interested in joining their group, and you’ll gain their trust. Once you’re in, you’ll gather information about their operations and report back to us. In exchange, we’ll reduce your sentences and provide you with new identities once the mission is complete.”

It was a tempting offer, but the woman was hesitant. She didn’t know if she was ready to go back to a life of deception and danger.

“What if they find out who we are?” she asked.

“We’ll have your backs,” the agent assured her. “We’ll be monitoring your communications and providing you with backup if necessary. You won’t be alone.”

After much deliberation, the woman and Astra agreed to the mission. They were given new identities and transported to Mars, where they were met by a contact who would introduce them to the Tigers.

The Tigers were a ruthless group of extremists who believed that the government of the Solar System was oppressing the Martian colonists. They were responsible for a series of bombings and kidnappings, and they had a reputation for being incredibly secretive and dangerous.

The woman and Astra were introduced to the Tigers’ leader, a man known only as “The Tiger.” He was a tall, muscular man with a shaved head and a fierce gaze. He greeted them with suspicion but seemed intrigued by their story.

They told him that they were refugees from Earth, looking for a new home on Mars. They claimed to be sympathetic to the Tigers’ cause and eager to join their group.

The Tiger listened carefully, then nodded. “You may join us,” he said. “But you must prove yourselves first. We have a mission for you.”

He handed them a dossier containing information about a Martian government official who was planning to crack down on the Tigers’ activities. They were instructed to kidnap him and deliver him to a secret location.

The woman and Astra knew that they had no choice but to carry out the mission. They followed the official for several days, monitoring his movements and looking for an opportunity to strike.

Finally, they found their chance. The official was attending a gala at a local museum, and they managed to slip into the building disguised as waitstaff.

They waited until the official was alone in a side room, then pounced on him. They gagged him and tied him up, then dragged him out of the building and into a waiting car. The Tiger was pleased with their success. He praised them for their bravery and dedication to the cause.

“You have proven yourselves worthy of our trust,” he said. “But there is still much work to be done. We have plans for a major attack on the Earth colonies. You will be instrumental in making it happen.”

The woman and Astra listened, their hearts racing. They knew that they were in deep, but they also knew that they had to see the mission through to the end.

They had become human bait, but they were determined to turn the tables on the Tigers and bring them to justice.

Over the next few weeks, the woman and Astra worked closely with the Tigers, gathering information and laying the groundwork for the attack. They discovered that the Tigers had smuggled weapons and explosives onto Earth, and they were planning to launch a coordinated assault on several major cities.

The woman and Astra knew that they had to act fast. They contacted the government agent who had recruited them and gave him the details of the Tigers’ plan.

“We need your help,” the woman said. “We’ve done everything you asked of us. Now it’s your turn.”

The agent agreed to send a team of operatives to take down the Tigers, but he warned the woman and Astra that it would be a risky operation.

“You’ll have to be our eyes and ears on the inside,” he said. “We need you to stay in contact with us and give us updates on the Tigers’ movements. We’ll do our best to keep you safe, but you need to be careful.”

The woman and Astra agreed to the plan. They continued to work with the Tigers, gathering information and waiting for the right moment to strike.

Finally, the day of the attack arrived. The Tigers were preparing to launch their assault on Earth, and the woman and Astra were in the thick of it.

They watched in horror as the Tigers unleashed a wave of destruction on the unsuspecting cities below. Buildings crumbled, people screamed, and chaos reigned.

But the woman and Astra knew that they had to stay focused. They contacted the government agents and provided them with detailed information about the Tigers’ whereabouts and movements. The agents moved in, launching a coordinated assault on the Tigers’ base. The woman and Astra fought alongside the agents, using their knowledge of the base to help take down the Tigers’ defenses.

In the end, the operation was a success. The Tigers were defeated, and their plans for a massive attack on Earth were thwarted. But once more the Tiger himself escaped.

The woman and Astra were hailed as heroes, and their sentences were commuted. They were suggested to be given new identities. Identity. The woman sighed. She still didn’t know who she was or where she came from, but she knew that she was capable of more than she had ever imagined.