Government CAN work

What just happened in #Michigan is a testament to what can happen all over the country if we choose to elect leaders who actually care about the people. Be inspired.

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Broken Men Break Things: A Conversation with Mark Greene

Our culture is literally littered with the fallout of unhappy men looking to assert their dominance. From the tantrums of our last president, to our daily mass shootings, to the broad resurgence of patriarchal male dominance, men are not doing ok and they’re making it everyone else’s problem. Join PoliticsGirl and the founder of ReMaking Manhood Mark Greene as they talk about what’s gone wrong and how strategists behind the conservative and MAGA movement are looking to weaponize every aspect of the culture wars including our culture of masculinity to their benefit, and what we, as a culture, can do about it – both for the health of our men, and the health of our society, because clearly this isn’t working.

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America’s War of Disinformation: A Conversation with Lee McIntyre

As my guest, Lee McIntyre writes in his book On Disinformaiton: “Welcome to the world of reality denial, where truth is subordinate to ideology, feelings have more weight than evidence, and democracy hangs in the balance”. We are in a disinformation war in America where the goal of those creating the lies is not just to get us to question some particular fact – vaccines don’t work, covid isn’t real, the election was stolen – but to question your trust in people who might tell you the truth. As Lee says, “Don’t just lie – Polarize.” The right has done this incredibly well by exploiting preexisting grievances and resentments to form a community around the “us against them” narrative where the other side isn’t just biased, they’re evil. So what do we do when doubt can be overcome by evidence but trust can not. How do you get people to believe the truth then their very identity is wrapped up in NOT believing it?

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Keep Trump OUT of the White House (Live from Wisconsin!)

Trump can’t win back the White House if we keep Wisconsin blue. Help power the work of the WisDems: Republican extremism backfires as their first major House bill slashing IRS funding is DOA in the Senate and White House. Brian sits down with WisDems chair Ben Wikler, Congressman Marc Pocan, Secretary of State Sarah Godlewski, and other Wisconsin officials as we launch the “One Year To Win” campaign LIVE from Madison, Wisconsin.

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Who is PoliticsGirl?

Yes, who is PoliticsGirl? She unpacks American politics in an easy-to-understand, digestible way! This channel includes the #Webby Award-winning BreakfastRants made popular on TikTok & Instagram, the PoliticsGirl Podcast, available in audio form wherever you get your podcasts and video form right here, and the original PoliticsGirl content which is essential “Civics with Sass”.

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