Christians tend to believe some pretty ugly things about people in other religions. Part of this is just simple in-group thinking, but part of it comes from their religion’s narrative about “unbelievers.” This video explores that phenomenon by examining Allen Parr’s thoughts on why so much of the Jewish population did not convert to Christianity.
Is the Babylon Bee Still Dumb? | Guest Host Godless Engineer
In tonight’s stream:
Zod and Godless Engineer take a look at some Babylon Bee videos to see if they’ve stopped being trash
Zod gives GE a surprise quiz
How Christianity Warped My Thinking
How much does Christianity affect the way you think and act, even after you leave the faith? It’s a question that’s worth thinking about. The religion can get deep in our heads and fill us with all kinds of biases, attitudes, and mental shortcuts that stick with us even as atheists. In this video I examine my immersion in Christion education and talk about a few ways it affected my thinking.
How Christians Invent the Devil
Christians have all kinds of ideas about a fallen angel and enemy of our souls named “Lucifer” or “The Devil.” But the Bible says practically nothing of substance about such a being – at least not in any detail. So how do fundamentalist Christians reconcile this almost certainly post-Biblical character with their professed belief that the Bible is the sole authority on all spiritual matters? Of course it varies denomination by denomination and person by person, but most modern evangelicals follow a similar formula. In this video The Prophet of Zod is using a response to our old friend Dustin of “Hope Through Prophecy” as a case study in how Christians retroactively read Satan into the Bible.
The Inherent Evasiveness of Apologetics
At its core, apologetics is an exercise in excuse making. Its whole purpose is to rationalize a set of beliefs that Christians are already invested in. Methodology doesn’t matter. The goal is not open exploration. All that matters is fending off doubts, and this must be done at all costs. Thus apologists develop an instinct to be automatically evasive on any topic that sounds like it will challenge their established faith. In this video, the Prophet of Zod examines an interesting case study in this phenomenon, which is Mike Winger’s response to a series of objections to belief in God.
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The Question of What Happens to People Who Never Heard of Jesus & How it Poisons Christian Attitudes
Perhaps the most difficult – arguably impossible – question faced by Christian apologetics is “What happens to people who never heard about Jesus?” This question puts the religion in a pinch between 1) salvation doctrines that are not only clearly part of Christianity but of vital importance to believers and in fact define most of the religion and establish its exclusivity, and 2) the horrifying implications of these doctrines. In this video, the Prophet of Zod discusses the nature of this problem and how apologists work around it – including his personal history and the role it played in his doubts going back to childhood – while using a presentation by Mike Winger as a case study in the kinds of vagaries apologists use to dance around this issue.
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How God’s Not Dead Sanitizes Christianity
God’s Not Dead’s representation of atheists is absolutely obscene… The Prophet of Zod suggests that its stereotypes distract us from a deeper and more subversive theme that runs throughout the movie. Its sanitization of Christianity both reflects and contributes to a Christian mindset that totally undermines believers’ interactions with others. Until we recognize this, we won’t understand what they really liked about this movie and why they react to us the way they do.
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Why Christians Will Never be Able to Explain Prayer
What is the purpose of prayer supposed to be? If God is all powerful and all-knowing and has a plan for the entire universe, how does it make any logical sense to ask him for anything? Are you going to change his mind and get him to do something he wouldn’t have otherwise? Bring a problem to his attention that he wasn’t aware of? It’s pretty clear that, given the current Christian concept of God, prayer is just flatly logically incoherent.
I’ve heard Christians tentatively babble their way around this, but I rarely hear sustained attempts at explaining what prayer is supposed to do. Today, I will treat you to a video where a guy named Nate with a channel called “Wise Disciple” gives it his best shot. It’s very telling – not only in terms of his personal inability to make the case, but in illustrating why Christians don’t (and probably can’t) themselves.
Inspiring Philosophy’s Whitewashed History of Missionaries | IP & Christian Nationalism, Part 2
Inspiring Philosophy’s second argument for why Christian Nationalism isn’t Christian is a pretty strange one. He argues that protestant missionaries in the 19th and 20th centuries contributed to democracy and literacy across the world – and from this he concludes that Christianity leads to these outcomes, and thus isn’t likely to lead to nationalism. Even taking all is contentions about the effects of missionaries at face value, this is a wild leap in logic, drawing a generalization about the entire religion from the activities of a small group of people in one historical period and claiming it makes another phenomenon in an entirely different era unlikely.
Inspiring Philosophy Claims Christianity Doesn’t Cause Christian Nationalism | Pt 1: The Unchurched
In this video The Prophet of Zod takes a look at Inspiring Philosophy’s claim that Christianity does not cause Christian Nationalism. It’s an idea that sounds absurd – almost contradictory – on its face, but Inspiring Philosophy runs through a lot of rapid-fire points/studies that can make the idea start to sound plausible. His video can be broken down into three main arguments: 1) Christian Nationalism is (supposedly) more prevalent among unchurched than churched populations, 2) 19th-20th Century missionaries spread democracy and literacy (which probably means it’s not likely to have caused 21st Century Christian Nationalism), and 3) An unpopular political party from 20th Century Germany was not as Christian as some people think. This specific video focuses on the first claim.
How Christians Cope with the Mediocrity of Their Own Religion
This is the famed Prophet of Zod. Here you find everything from satirical atheist cartoons to a guy with a static head and no discernible facial features.
Frank Turek recently uploaded a clip of himself talking about the role of Christians in American politics. It’s an interesting journey through the usual generalizations about the role of Christians in public life and how they’ve let the “secularists” take over the country, of course diving into expected paranoia about how they eventually won’t be free to practice their faith if they don’t stay actively engaged in politics. At the end, though, it takes an interesting turn, as it unwittingly expresses a deep insecurity about the relevance of their religion and WHY it isn’t getting more traction in our society. And perhaps questions of Christian engagement in politics helps them cope with this insecurity.
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