Elon Musk: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

John Oliver discusses Elon Musk, the influence he has over more than just his businesses, and the perfect place for him and Mark Zuckerberg to finally have that cage match.

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NoFap TikTok is WILD

Certainly, the topic of masturbation and its effects on sexual health has been a subject of scientific interest. Research over the years has provided insights into its potential benefits and dispelled some myths associated with forced celibacy movements like “nofap.”

Masturbation and Sexual Health:

1. Prostate Health:

  • Several studies suggest that regular ejaculation through masturbation can potentially reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men. It’s believed that the flushing out of toxins and potentially harmful substances from the prostate gland occurs during ejaculation.

2. Stress Relief and Mood Enhancement:

  • Masturbation can release endorphins and oxytocin, which are neurotransmitters associated with pleasure and relaxation. This release can help reduce stress levels and improve overall mood.

3. Sexual Functioning:

  • Masturbation can serve as a way to explore one’s body and sexual responses, potentially aiding in understanding one’s sexual preferences and improving sexual function. It may also help in the treatment of certain sexual dysfunctions, such as premature ejaculation, by allowing individuals to learn better control over their responses.

4. Sleep Improvement:

  • The release of hormones during and after orgasm, such as prolactin, may contribute to feelings of relaxation and drowsiness, potentially aiding in better sleep quality.

Debunking “Nofap” Claims:

  • Lack of Scientific Evidence: The “nofap” movement often relies on anecdotal evidence and personal testimonials rather than rigorous scientific studies. Claims of increased energy, focus, and social confidence due to abstaining from masturbation lack substantial empirical backing.
  • Normal Sexual Activity is Healthy: While excessive or compulsive masturbation can potentially lead to issues like chafing or temporary desensitization, moderate masturbation is considered a normal and healthy aspect of human sexuality. There’s no conclusive evidence suggesting that complete abstinence leads to heightened mental or physical benefits.


Scientific research indicates that masturbation, in moderation, can have various positive effects on sexual health, including potential benefits for prostate health, stress relief, sexual functioning, and even sleep quality. However, claims made by movements like “nofap” often lack empirical support and rely more on subjective experiences rather than scientific evidence. Moderation and understanding individual needs and boundaries appear to be key factors in maintaining a healthy approach to sexual behavior.

And this is a video about the “NoFap” movement:

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Trek, Reluctantly #145: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: “Broken Link” | Steve Shives

Steve Shives produces videos about politics, social issues, Star Trek, pop culture, and general smartassery and tomfoolery. His pronouns are He/Him.
This episode features: Trek, Reluctantly #145: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: “Broken Link”

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A Disturbance in the Force (REVIEW) | Projector #shorts | The ultimate Star Wars Holiday Special doc

Cinematic masochist Film Brain takes a look at all the films you can handle in a variety of formats, with snarky but thorough and insightful commentary, including behind the scenes info! Strap in, hold on tight and embrace the SYMBOLISM!
This episode features: A Disturbance in the Force (REVIEW) | Projector #shorts | The ultimate Star Wars Holiday Special doc

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Vampire Library – Part 25 | Maven of the Eventide

The Maven of the Eventide peers into the realms of the creatures of the night for a humorous analysis of vampires in media and pop culture, focusing on how they serve as allegories and metaphors for social issues.
This episode features: Vampire Library – Part 25

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Double jumping in games be like… #enpc

Viva La Dirt League are reporting from the strange lands of Honeyvale, or from a store, or whatever. Here is there ongoing report.
This episode features: Double jumping in games be like… #enpc

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Doctor Who: The Chimes of Midnight – Atop the Fourth Wall

Linkara-AtopTheFourthWall has a long history of reviewing comics and saving the universe. Let’s see which one he does this time…
This episode features: Doctor Who: The Chimes of Midnight – Atop the Fourth Wall

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We Ranked ALL of the Grinches | Allison Pregler

Allison Pregler – some may know her as Obscurus Lupa, but that was another time…
This episode features: We Ranked ALL of the Grinches

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Why Was Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Actually So Successful? | Steve Shives

Steve Shives produces videos about politics, social issues, Star Trek, pop culture, and general smartassery and tomfoolery. His pronouns are He/Him.
This episode features: Why Was Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Actually So Successful?

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Discovering double jump

Viva La Dirt League are reporting from the strange lands of Honeyvale, or from a store, or whatever. Here is there ongoing report.
This episode features: Discovering double jump

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Silent Hill: Homecoming Stream, Part 7: Riddles and Ham, Sam I El – Livestreams

Linkara-AtopTheFourthWall has a long history of reviewing comics and saving the universe. Let’s see which one he does this time…
This episode features: Silent Hill: Homecoming Stream, Part 7: Riddles and Ham, Sam I El – Livestreams

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It’s okay if you didn’t know Rowan was in Avatar #rwia #avatar #vldl #vldlspotted

Viva La Dirt League are reporting from the strange lands of Honeyvale, or from a store, or whatever. Here is there ongoing report.
This episode features: It’s okay if you didn’t know Rowan was in Avatar #rwia #avatar #vldl #vldlspotted

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What the anxious thoughts look like #mentalhealth

Viva La Dirt League are reporting from the strange lands of Honeyvale, or from a store, or whatever. Here is there ongoing report.
This episode features: What the anxious thoughts look like #mentalhealth

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How TechTown rewards their employees! #shorts

Viva La Dirt League are reporting from the strange lands of Honeyvale, or from a store, or whatever. Here is there ongoing report.
This episode features: How TechTown rewards their employees! #shorts

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