World’s Most Racist Doctor Who Fan – From the Underbelly of the Internet

The reactionaries and right-wingers are on the rise. Nothing is safe from them, every piece of culture, be it books, comics, series or films, is associated with a “clash of cultures”. Also the well-known TV series “Doctor Who” about a time travelling alien. Today we join Mr Tardis as he listens to what one of these reactionaries has to say. Let’s wish him luck…

“This is UNHINGED!” – Reacting to Bowlestrek’s Insane Rants at RTD Showrunner Announcement

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LAUGHING At The World’s Most Racist Doctor Who Fan – Reacting to Bowlestrek and his DW: Flux Reviews

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World’s Most Racist Doctor Who Fan RETURNS! – Reacting to Bowlestrek Thinking Being LGBT is Illegal

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