Matt Walsh is one of those guys who has succeeded in spite of having little to no talent. He’s walking proof that to make it in the rightwing media space, all you need to do is hate the right people in a pithy way once. And then coast on that for as long as possible.
Humanity’s Last Stand
- Start the video with the overture for this tragic chapter and then select the foreword in your language:
- Starte das Video mit der Overture für dieses tragische Kapitel und wähle dann das Vorwort in Deiner Sprache:
- Commencez la vidéo avec l’ouverture de ce chapitre tragique, puis sélectionnez l’avant-propos dans votre langue :
- この悲劇的な章の序曲からビデオを開始し、自分の言語で序文を選択してください。
- Comece o vídeo com a abertura deste capítulo trágico e depois selecione o prefácio no seu idioma:
The solar system… a divided world.
Chaos reigns in the solar system. The interplanetary civil war has plunged the vastness of space into darkness. A bitter conflict rages between the once peaceful worlds of Ilyssar and Thelion, sparked by an alien power whose sinister motives remain inscrutable.
In the midst of this unrest, the former praetor of the Lokubami from the planet Uranus, a ruthless and calculating leader named Scurra, has used an ancient and convoluted rule of law to his advantage. With a cunning coup, he overthrew his successor and seized power – a dangerous move that threatens to destroy the fragile balance of the solar system.
But while Scurra reaches for power, a dark collective is stirring on the moons of Jupiter. Fascist forces have taken over strategic areas of land and are bringing oppressed peoples under their control. The conflict is fueled by the ambitions of another: Drav Phendror, Regent of Anarthia, who seeks to subjugate the territory of Ruvalara. He is pursuing a plan to declare himself Decurion of his own empire – with the mysterious support of the mysterious Lord of the High Hand.
The tension is rising as Scurra’s enthronement is imminent. If the ceremony goes ahead as planned, a dark era looms that could plunge the solar system into an endless night of fear and oppression…
May the stars tremble.
Das Sonnensystem… eine geteilte Welt.
Es herrscht Chaos im Sonnensystem. Der interplanetare Bürgerkrieg hat die Weiten des Alls in Dunkelheit getaucht. Zwischen den einst friedlichen Welten von Ilyssar und Thelion tobt ein erbitterter Konflikt, entfacht durch eine fremde Macht, deren finstere Motive unergründlich bleiben.
Inmitten dieser Unruhe hat der ehemalige Prätor der Lokubami vom Planeten Uranus, ein skrupelloser und berechnender Anführer namens Scurra, eine alte und verworrene Gesetzesregel zu seinen Gunsten genutzt. Mit einem listigen Coup stürzte er seinen Nachfolger und ergriff die Macht – ein gefährlicher Schritt, der das fragile Gleichgewicht des Sonnensystems zu zerstören droht.
Doch während Scurra nach der Macht greift, regt sich auf den Monden des Jupiter ein finsteres Kollektiv. Faschistische Kräfte haben strategische Landstriche eingenommen und bringen unterdrückte Völker in ihre Gewalt. Der Konflikt wird genährt von den Ambitionen eines anderen: Drav Phendror, Regent von Anarthia, der das Gebiet von Ruvalara unterwerfen will. Er verfolgt einen Plan, sich selbst zum Decurion eines eigenen Imperiums auszurufen – mit der geheimnisvollen Unterstützung des mysteriösen Gebieters der Hohen Hand.
Die Spannung steigt, als die Inthronisierung Scurra bevorsteht. Sollte die Zeremonie wie geplant stattfinden, droht eine düstere Ära, die das Sonnensystem in eine endlose Nacht aus Angst und Unterdrückung stürzen könnte…
Mögen die Sterne erbeben.
Le système solaire… un monde divisé.
Il y a du chaos dans le système solaire. La guerre civile interplanétaire a plongé l’immensité de l’espace dans l’obscurité. Un conflit amer fait rage entre les mondes autrefois pacifiques d’Ilyssar et de Thelion, déclenché par une puissance extraterrestre dont les motivations sombres restent insondables.
Au milieu de ces troubles, l’ancien préteur des Lokubami de la planète Uranus, un chef impitoyable et calculateur nommé Scurra, a exploité à son avantage une règle de droit ancienne et alambiquée. Grâce à un coup d’État astucieux, il renverse son successeur et prend le pouvoir – une démarche dangereuse qui menace de détruire le fragile équilibre du système solaire.
Mais tandis que Scurra aspire au pouvoir, un sombre collectif s’agite sur les lunes de Jupiter. Les forces fascistes se sont emparées de zones stratégiques du territoire et placent les peuples opprimés sous leur contrôle. Le conflit est alimenté par les ambitions d’un autre : Drav Phendror, régent d’Anarthia, qui veut soumettre le territoire de Ruvalara. Il poursuit un plan pour se déclarer Décurion de son propre empire – avec le soutien mystérieux du mystérieux dirigeant de la Haute Main.
La tension monte à l’approche de l’intronisation de Scurra. Si la cérémonie se déroule comme prévu, une ère sombre menace qui pourrait plonger le système solaire dans une nuit sans fin de peur et d’oppression…
Que les étoiles tremblent.
O sistema solar… um mundo dividido.
Há caos no sistema solar. A guerra civil interplanetária mergulhou a vastidão do espaço na escuridão. Um conflito amargo acontece entre os mundos outrora pacíficos de Ilyssar e Thelion, desencadeado por um poder alienígena cujos motivos obscuros permanecem incompreensíveis.
Em meio a essa agitação, o antigo pretor dos Lokubami do planeta Urano, um líder implacável e calculista chamado Scurra, explorou uma antiga e complicada regra de lei em seu benefício. Com um golpe astuto, ele derrubou seu sucessor e tomou o poder – um passo perigoso que ameaça destruir o frágil equilíbrio do sistema solar.
Mas enquanto Scurra busca poder, um coletivo sombrio se agita nas luas de Júpiter. Forças fascistas tomaram áreas estratégicas de terra e estão colocando povos oprimidos sob seu controle. O conflito é alimentado pelas ambições de outro: Drav Phendror, regente de Anarthia, que quer subjugar o território de Ruvalara. Ele está perseguindo um plano para se declarar o Decurião de seu próprio império – com o apoio misterioso do misterioso governante da Alta Mão.
A tensão aumenta à medida que a entronização de Scurra se aproxima. Se a cerimônia ocorrer como planejado, uma era sombria ameaça mergulhar o sistema solar em uma noite sem fim de medo e opressão…
Que as estrelas tremam.
ASTROCOHORS CLUB: The Ongoing Legacy of Generations
The last report finally came in: the English department had started work. This was supposed to have happened hours before, but a series of incidents occurred. In this case, it wasn’t just UFO sightings, but the headquarters, which was based in England, had been sabotaged. Now the department in the USA had to do it again. But finally it worked!
If you’re interested, click here!
CLIMATE WARS: The Battle for COP28 – A Star Wars Fan Film
A Star Wars Fan Film about climate change and the battle for climate action at COP28 using real practical models, bluescreen, stop motion animation (with virtually no CGI, like the original 1970s and 1980s trilogy).
Mostrando um pouquinho da minha coleção de consoles e games! #games #playstation #xbox #nintendo
Everything Wrong With CinemaSins: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 in 27 Minutes or Less
Are we still doing this? But of course!
NoFap TikTok is WILD
Certainly, the topic of masturbation and its effects on sexual health has been a subject of scientific interest. Research over the years has provided insights into its potential benefits and dispelled some myths associated with forced celibacy movements like “nofap.”
Masturbation and Sexual Health:
1. Prostate Health:
- Several studies suggest that regular ejaculation through masturbation can potentially reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men. It’s believed that the flushing out of toxins and potentially harmful substances from the prostate gland occurs during ejaculation.
2. Stress Relief and Mood Enhancement:
- Masturbation can release endorphins and oxytocin, which are neurotransmitters associated with pleasure and relaxation. This release can help reduce stress levels and improve overall mood.
3. Sexual Functioning:
- Masturbation can serve as a way to explore one’s body and sexual responses, potentially aiding in understanding one’s sexual preferences and improving sexual function. It may also help in the treatment of certain sexual dysfunctions, such as premature ejaculation, by allowing individuals to learn better control over their responses.
4. Sleep Improvement:
- The release of hormones during and after orgasm, such as prolactin, may contribute to feelings of relaxation and drowsiness, potentially aiding in better sleep quality.
Debunking “Nofap” Claims:
- Lack of Scientific Evidence: The “nofap” movement often relies on anecdotal evidence and personal testimonials rather than rigorous scientific studies. Claims of increased energy, focus, and social confidence due to abstaining from masturbation lack substantial empirical backing.
- Normal Sexual Activity is Healthy: While excessive or compulsive masturbation can potentially lead to issues like chafing or temporary desensitization, moderate masturbation is considered a normal and healthy aspect of human sexuality. There’s no conclusive evidence suggesting that complete abstinence leads to heightened mental or physical benefits.
Scientific research indicates that masturbation, in moderation, can have various positive effects on sexual health, including potential benefits for prostate health, stress relief, sexual functioning, and even sleep quality. However, claims made by movements like “nofap” often lack empirical support and rely more on subjective experiences rather than scientific evidence. Moderation and understanding individual needs and boundaries appear to be key factors in maintaining a healthy approach to sexual behavior.
And this is a video about the “NoFap” movement:
How One Movie Killed The 1980s | Patrick (H) Willems
Patrick (H) Willems is pretty much the Terrence Malick of YouTube.
This episode features: How One Movie Killed The 1980s
For more information or to watch the video on YouTube, click here!
Flat Earth Double Feature – oh Dear…
Okay, even in the 21st century there are still flat earthers. And some are very pushy in their demeanor. That’s why there are two videos today that focus on the same flat earther. This flat earther harasses guests at a Christmas party with his crude views, which he forces on them without being asked. Your entrance, Creaky Blinder and Planarwalk!
THEY Faked The Moon Landings Space AND Earth
Flat Earther Defeated by an Inability to Read
Why We Need Degrowth | Our Changing Climate
Our Changing Climate are video essays on a burning planet. Nothing more. Nothing less.
This episode features: Why We Need Degrowth
For more information or to watch the video on YouTube, click here!
Social Media:
When Lena Horne Turned Her Back on a Racist U.S. Military | Dara Starr Tucker
Dara Starr Tucker – you’ll find a bit of music, some social commentary & even comedy. Come for the zip, stay for the pizzazz.
This episode features: When Lena Horne Turned Her Back on a Racist U.S. Military
For more information or to watch the video on YouTube, click here!
Social Media:
That Vegan Teacher Takes DISTURBING Videos to Another Level
@ThatVeganTeacherYouTube takes DISTURBING Videos to Another Level, you have to hear what she says or you wouldn’t believe it, she is saying that vegan people shouldn’t sign their organ donor cards just in case one of us filthy meat eaters get them, she wouldn’t even help a member of her own family unless they were vegan.
The Rainbow Connection | The Breakdown with Dara Starr Tucker | Dara Starr Tucker
Dara Starr Tucker – you’ll find a bit of music, some social commentary & even comedy. Come for the zip, stay for the pizzazz.
This episode features: The Rainbow Connection | The Breakdown with Dara Starr Tucker
For more information or to watch the video on YouTube, click here!
Social Media:
Why Temu is a NIGHTMARE – Future Proof
Future Proof highlights the efforts of brands and products to make business better for the future… or the lack thereof. Every week we release videos to reveal deeper stories about how businesses are innovating towards a future proof world and whether or not they deserve your support.
Temu has quickly become a trend online with influencers and youtubers using the platform to buy and promote ridiculous products selling for ridiculous prices. This is the latest peak in unbridled consumerism but its meteoric rise has much bigger implications than just another cheap knockoff website.
Doctor Who: The Giggle Review (Ups & Downs)
We must do this because the time is right. The Fourteenth Doctor’s reign ends, but this is far from a simple regeneration story. Here’s our review of Doctor Who’s final 60th anniversary special – The Giggle!