These Braindead TikTok Trends Need to Stop

Planarwalk, a YouTuber from New Zealand, decided to scroll through TikTok a while ago, and all that showed up on his feed was stuff that made the entire userbase look like they are unable to tie their shoelaces, and lately, a particular uniquely stupid trend has been gaining traction. He fears that if aliens from another planet see these trends that they will blow us out of existence. Is his fear justified? Let’s take a look.

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Boldly Hilarious! FIRST TIME WATCHING Monty Python LIFE OF BRIAN (1979) REACTION!

The trend of producing reaction videos has gained significant popularity in recent years. In these videos, content creators react to various forms of media, including movies, TV shows, music videos, and viral clips, among others. This trend has both positive and negative aspects, which are worth discussing.

One of the primary advantages of reaction videos is that they offer a unique and personal perspective on media. Viewers get to witness the raw and genuine reactions of the content creators, which can be entertaining and insightful. Additionally, reaction videos can serve as a guide for people who are unsure about whether or not to watch a particular movie or TV show. The content creator’s reaction can help them decide whether the media is worth their time and effort.

Another pro of reaction videos is that they can be highly engaging and entertaining. Viewers often find themselves watching the entire video from beginning to end, as they become invested in the content creator’s reaction. Moreover, reaction videos have the potential to create a sense of community and shared experience among viewers. When a content creator reacts to a popular show or movie, it can spark discussion and dialogue among viewers, creating a sense of connection.

On the other hand, reaction videos also have some downsides. One of the main criticisms is that they can be seen as unoriginal or lazy. Some viewers argue that content creators are merely riding on the coattails of popular media and not offering anything unique or creative. Furthermore, some critics suggest that reaction videos can infringe on copyright laws, as they often use significant portions of the original media without permission.

Additionally, some people argue that reaction videos are too reactive, and they don’t add value to the media itself. Critics argue that the content creator’s reaction can be subjective and not necessarily reflective of the overall quality of the media. In other words, just because a content creator has a particular reaction to a movie or TV show, it does not mean that it is universally enjoyable or not.

In conclusion, the trend of producing reaction videos has both positive and negative aspects. While they can be entertaining and offer unique perspectives, they can also be seen as unoriginal and potentially infringe on copyright laws. Ultimately, the value of reaction videos depends on the quality of the content creator and the media they are reacting to, and it is up to viewers to decide if they find them worth watching.

As we are of the opinion that “Monty Python’s Life of Brian” is a movie worth being sorted in this collection, we are now trying one reaction video to it. There are a lot of reaction video channels, so we had to choose one. This is Shree Nation and she watches the movie for the first time.

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ESOTERICA – Where we explore the Arcane in History, Philosophy, and Religion

Welcome to Esoterica – History, philosophy and religion all have a hidden, esoteric dimension that has long gone under-studied and even suppressed. This channel explores just those topics: Magic, alchemy, kabbalah, the occult, gnosticism, hermetic philosophy and more. The host is Dr. Justin Sledge, he holds a doctorate in philosophy and graduated with honors from the Center for History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents, one of the few places in the world to grant advanced, academic degrees in the study of Esotericism. Here they explore these subjects with an evidence-based, scholarly approach free from hidden agendas, conspiracy theories and baseless personal speculation.

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Mergers Are Destroying America | Adam Conover

Adam Conover is a comedian, writer, and television host known for his witty and informative takes on a variety of topics. He is best known for his popular YouTube series “Adam Ruins Everything,” where he debunked common myths and misconceptions about various aspects of modern life.

Through a combination of humor and research-backed facts, Adam Conover sheds light on the hidden truths behind everyday issues such as food, politics, and technology. His YouTube channel has amassed millions of views and has been praised for its entertaining and thought-provoking content.

In his upcoming video, Adam will take a deep dive into how merging companies are hurting the land and the economy. As always, he will use his signature blend of comedy and research to explore this important topic and help viewers better understand the impact of corporate mergers on our society.

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The Dark Truth of Peanuts

David J Bradley is a YouTuber known for his look into all things pop culture and society. With a passion for exploring the nuances and history behind beloved franchises, David has amassed a loyal following on his channel. Recently, he has turned his attention towards the world of the Peanuts comics, diving deep into the classic strip created by Charles M. Schulz. In his latest videos, David explores the enduring legacy of the Peanuts and the impact that the lovable characters have had on popular culture as well as they had on him. So he titled the video “The Dark Truth of Peanuts or One Must Imagine Charlie Brown Happy”.

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Emma Thorne and Classically Abby: “I’m Not Judgy, Your Choices are Wrong” and “Family Strife is God’s Design”

Today Emma is checking out Classically Abby’s new podcast. In this first episode, Abby explains why she knows best what will make you happy, (spoiler alert: it’s having babies and NOT having choices). It’s hilariously hypocritical, factually spurious (see: investing statistics out of nowhere) and just generally infuriating. Hooray!

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And the second part of the first episode. Turns out that family strife is an integral part of God’s perfect design, who knew?

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The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen ~ Lost in Adaptation

Alan Moore’s hatred of adaptations of his work makes more sense when you compare “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” to the graphic novel it’s based on.

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Love Languages: A Philosophical Horror

The book “5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman has received widespread acclaim for its insights into the ways in which people express and experience love. However, it has also been criticized for its absolute categorization of the 5 love languages (words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, physical touch, and quality time) and the suggestion that individuals can only possess one primary love language.
This can be problematic as it fails to take into account the complexity and fluidity of human emotions and relationships. People may express and experience love in different ways at different times and in different contexts, and to suggest that there are only 5 fixed love languages can oversimplify and invalidate the diverse ways in which people give and receive love.
Big Joel takes a deeper look at these problems:

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It is important to recognize that while the 5 love languages may be a useful framework for understanding and communicating love, they should not be treated as absolutes. Every individual and relationship is unique and it is important to remain open and responsive to the constantly evolving nature of love. But people are sometimes a bit confused about what the message is, as Joel points out in a follow up video:

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Does Donald Trump even want to be President? | Renegade Cut

Since 1988, Trump has teased a presidential run, but it was always to raise his profile. Did he actually hope to be president in 2016? Does he now?

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Harry Bobber and the Typographer’s Moan

Once upon a time, in a world filled with magic and wonder, there was a young boy named Harry Potter. He lived a mundane life with his abusive aunt and uncle, until the day he discovered that he was a wizard.
As Harry began his journey at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he faced many challenges and made countless friends, including Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. However, as they navigated the magical world and faced off against the dark wizard Voldemort, they also encountered instances of transphobia.
JK Rowling, the creator of the Harry Potter series, has faced criticism for her past comments and actions regarding the transgender community. While the themes of love and acceptance are present in the Harry Potter series, it is important to recognize and acknowledge the harm caused by these instances of transphobia.
Despite this, the story of Harry Potter remains a beloved and influential one, full of adventure, friendship, and the power of love to conquer hate. “Ironic”, as a character of another franchise would say it.
To start this insight, let’s look back at an essay by Sarah Z, where she traces the Harry Potter series author’s journey towards transphobia. An exploration of a terrible manifesto, separating the art from the artist, and Hatsune Miku.

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Now let’s look at it from a trans woman’s perspective: the damage the author is causing and the consequences for people. It’s not just about the Harry Potter series, but also about other works:

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Let’s take a look at Harry Potter as a whole and what problems there are in general. Shaun has something to tell:

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Let’s just stick with Shaun. In addition to the Harry Potter series, he also looked at what the author has said about herself and the people she surrounds herself with:

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Let’s look at it again from a trans woman’s perspective. Jessie Gender usually covers nerd stuff, but to her own frustration it’s sometimes necessary to also talk about the author of the Harry Potter series and her testimonies:

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The iilluminaughtii has also become aware of the author and her publications on specific matters. Let’s have a look. This begs the question of whether the author’s Patronus is a TERF:

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Obviously, a year cannot end without being kicked again. At the turn of the year from 2022 to 2023 it was time again, “She who must not be named” tweeted. The tweet was against Jessie Gender, and she was quite surprised:

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Unfortunately, what followed was to be expected. Samtha Lux gives us some more details:

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What came after the tweet is what prompted Jessie to do her latest “JK Rowling” themed video. She covers everything that concerns the author, from “Hogwarts Legacy” to “Fantastic Beasts”. She is going to go over everything.

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And here is Steve Shives asking a simple question: “How Hard Is It to Not Buy a Video Game?” Interesting question…

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Another voice to “Harry Potter”. Hoots also takes a look at the series as a whole and the things that seem odd at second glance (maybe even at first glance). She specifically asks the question, “Is Harry Potter bad?”

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In conclusion, the controversy surrounding JK Rowling and her transphobic writings cannot be ignored. While she has been a beloved and influential author for many, her actions and words have caused harm to the transgender community. It is important to acknowledge and recognize this harm, and to continue to strive for acceptance and inclusivity in all aspects of society.

As we move forward, it is crucial that we continue to have open and honest conversations about these issues, and to actively work towards creating a more inclusive and compassionate world. While the past cannot be changed, we have the power to shape the future and create a more just and equitable society for all. This is the point we are at now, and it is up to us to take action and make a difference.

What It Really Takes To Save the Planet | Our Changing Climate

In this Our Changing Climate climate change video essay, they look at what it really takes to save the planet. Specifically, they look at the role of fossil fuel infrastructure sabotage in the climate movement. They weigh whether property destruction and sabotage are useful strategies for the broader climate action movement. The video lends some historical context to a possible climate sabotage wing and examines the radical flank effect.

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Korean reaction who’s on first | Abbott & Costello

“Who’s on First” is a classic comedy sketch by the American comedy duo, Bud Abbott and Lou Costello. It was first performed on radio in 1938 and later became a popular stage routine and movie scene. The sketch features a hilarious conversation between Abbott, who is trying to explain the positions of players on a baseball team to Costello, but the misunderstanding arises due to the players’ unusual and humorous names. The routine has become a timeless classic, renowned for its wordplay, comedic timing, and absurdity, and continues to be celebrated and imitated in popular culture to this day.

This classic is so timeless, that the Korean Group KPO TV can watch it today and still enjoy it. Let’s join them.

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Remainers Made Brexit Happen

Brexit, short for “British exit,” refers to the United Kingdom’s decision to leave the European Union (EU). After a referendum in June 2016, where 51.9% of voters chose to leave, the UK officially left the EU on January 31, 2020.

The aftermath of Brexit has been tumultuous for the UK, with significant economic, political, and social consequences. The UK’s departure from the EU has resulted in trade disruptions, a decline in foreign investment, and a loss of jobs. It has also created uncertainty for businesses and individuals, particularly in industries such as finance and agriculture.

Additionally, Brexit has raised questions about the future of the United Kingdom itself, with Scotland and Northern Ireland considering independence from the UK to maintain ties with the EU. The decision to leave the EU has also created tensions within the UK, particularly between those who supported Brexit and those who opposed it.

Mica from the channel Ponderful is one Brit in EU, and she tells her story of how the Stop Brexit campaign was used not to stop Brexit, but to prevent a progressive government in the UK. She says, she’s more angry at the People’s Vote & Remain campaigners than she is with the Tories for the mess that is Brexit. At least the Tories were open about what they wanted.

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Black Capitalism & The Sitcom

This is Lil’Bill. He is basically Jon Stewart for black people. In this he is looking at the relationship between Black Capitalism & Sitcoms of the 80s and 90s.

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