Examining 8 common manipulation tactics used in Christian churches.
Deconstructing the Ten Commandments | A Perfect Moral Law?
Join me as I deconstruct the 10 Commandments from an ex-Christian perspective.
Ex-Christian Responds to Evangelist Ray Comfort
Responding to Ray Comfort of Living Waters Ministry
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The Dishonest Apostle | Was Paul Caught in a Lie?
According to his letters, Paul felt the need to defend himself against accusations of financial deception. If we look through his own words, will we find the deceit for ourselves?
tiktok | https://www.tiktok.com/@kristi.burke
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/jezebelvibes/
Deconstructing Deuteronomy 28 | Blessings, Curses & Coercion
In this episode, we’ll deconstruct Deuteronomy 28, where god lays out the blessings and curses for those who obey, and those who don’t.
Tiktok | https://www.tiktok.com/@kristi.burke
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/jezebelvibes/
“You Left Christianity to Sin” | Ex-Christian Responds
Responding to the common Christian cliche, “You just want to sin”.
Deconstructing the Potter and the Clay | A God Who Craves Control
In this episode, we’ll deconstruct the “Potter and the Clay”, exploring autonomy, free will and the Biblical god’s intentions and characteristics.
The Inherent Selfishness of the Biblical God
Is the god of the Bible inherently selfish? Let’s challenge the conventional belief that portrays god as selfless, exploring the notion that he created humans solely for his own glorification and punishes those who don’t serve or believe in him.
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/jezebelvibes/
Did Frank Turek Convince Me Christianity is True?
Kristi’s response to Frank Turek’s “Four Reasons Why Christianity is True”.
5 Times the Bible Endorsed Slavery
Let’s review 5 times the Old and New Testaments endorse the practive of slavery.
Challenging Prayer | Can You Change God’s Mind?
They tell us “prayer works”…but is it true? Let’s explore the idea that god answers prayer to see if it’s even possible within the Christian worldview.
Deconstructing Abraham and Isaac | When God Commanded Child Sacrifice
They told us it was the ultimate test of faith…and Abraham passed the test. But what exactly was the test? And did Abraham do the right thing? Let’s unpack it.
Ask an Ex-Christian | 25k Q&A
You asked, Kristi answered! Celebrating 25k+ subscribers with a Q&A!
5 Common Thought-Terminating Clichés Used in Christianity
If you are deconstructing from Christianity, you’ve likely encountered a lot of “thought terminating clichés” used by Christians with the intent to halt critical thought and encourage blind faith. Let’s discuss some of the most common phrases to see if they align with critical thought and reason.
tiktok | @kristi.burke
Deconstructing Lot in Sodom | Was Lot a Righteous Man?
Did God destroy an entire city because of “homosexuality”? Did Lot’s wife long to go back to Sodom? Was Lot spared because he was a “righteous man”? Let’s deconstruct the story of Lot in Sodom through our former evangelical/fundamentalist lens and see if we come to the same conclusions they wanted us to in Sunday School.