★STORY↓ The 3rd Special Airborne Armor, King Joe STORAGE, Custom is finally complete! With weapons equipped to every inch of its body, this super robot weilds tremendous power.
Meanwhile, Red King appears before STORAGE. It seems, however, that this Red King has a secret…
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अल्ट्रामैन जेड Episode 11 जिसका बचाव किया जाना चाहिए
★कहानी↓ तीसरा स्पेशल एयरबोर्न आर्मर, किंग जो स्टोरेज, कस्टम आखिरकार पूरा हो गया है! अपने शरीर के हर इंच तक हथियारों से लैस इस सुपर रोबोट में जबरदस्त शक्ति है।
इस बीच, रेड किंग स्टोरेज के सामने आता है। हालाँकि, ऐसा लगता है कि इस लाल राजा के पास एक रहस्य है …
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ULTRAMAN Z Episode 10 “Here Comes the Space Pirate!”
★STORY↓ Alien Barossa, the Space Pirate has come to take back King Joe from STORAGE! Wielding all sorts of stolen tools and weapons from all over space, Alien Barossa is a formidable enemy. Meanwhile back at the base, King Joe is about to start moving again!
Hurry, Haruki! Don’t get taken in by the Space Pirate!
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★कहानी↓ एलियन बरोसा, स्पेस पाइरेट किंग जो को स्टोरेज से वापस लेने आया है! एलियन ब्रौसा एक दुर्जेय दुश्मन है। इस बीच वापस बेस पर, किंग जो फिर से चलना शुरू करने वाला है!
जल्दी करो, हारुकी! अंतरिक्ष समुद्री डाकुओं के झांसे में न आएं!
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ULTRAMAN Z Episode 9 “The Unidentified Object Convoy Order”
★STORY↓ The GAFJ has recovered Ultra Medals. This time, STORAGE’s mission is to escort them to a secure facility. However, the “space treasure” Ultra Medals are marked by a mysterious alien! How will STORAGE and Ultraman Z deal with the approaching Space Robot, King Joe?
Watch as Z bursts out with a new special move!
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अल्ट्रामैन जेड Episode 9 “अज्ञात वस्तु काफिला आदेश”
★कहानी↓ GAFJ ने अल्ट्रा मेडल बरामद किए हैं। इस बार, STORAGE का मिशन उन्हें एक सुरक्षित सुविधा तक पहुँचाना है। हालाँकि, “अंतरिक्ष खजाना” अल्ट्रा मेडल एक रहस्यमय एलियन द्वारा चिह्नित हैं! स्टोरेज और अल्ट्रामैन जेड आने वाले स्पेस रोबोट, किंग जो से कैसे निपटेंगे?
Z को एक नई विशेष चाल के साथ फटते हुए देखें!
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★STORY↓ A pair of mysterious, beautiful sisters have come to Earth from space. They’ve brought with them strange monster cells that cause the Combined Monster Tri-King to appear! Kaburagi uses more monster cells to enhance it and make the Super Combined Monster Five King.
To face down this formidable enemy, a new power is needed! That’s right— the Phantasmagoric Mystic Lights!
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★कहानी↓ रहस्यमयी, खूबसूरत बहनों का जोड़ा अंतरिक्ष से पृथ्वी पर आया है। वे अपने साथ अजीब राक्षस कोशिकाएं लाए हैं जो संयुक्त राक्षस त्रि-राजा को प्रकट करने का कारण बनती हैं! काबुरगी इसे बढ़ाने और सुपर कंबाइंड मॉन्स्टर फाइव किंग बनाने के लिए अधिक राक्षस कोशिकाओं का उपयोग करता है।
इस दुर्जेय शत्रु का सामना करने के लिए एक नई शक्ति की आवश्यकता है! यह सही है- फैंटमसागोरिक मिस्टिक लाइट्स!
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★STORY↓ Someone has kidnapped Riku Asakura! Using the power hidden inside Riku, they plan to create something villainous. Worse, a formidable Belial Fusion Monster has appeared!
Just as Ultraman Z finds himself in an impossible situation, his long-awaited master returns! Smash their evil plans to bits, Z, Geed—and Zero!
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★कहानी↓ किसी ने रिकू असाकुरा का अपहरण कर लिया है! रिकू के अंदर छिपी शक्ति का उपयोग करते हुए, वे कुछ खलनायक बनाने की योजना बनाते हैं। इससे भी बदतर, एक दुर्जेय बेलियल फ्यूजन राक्षस दिखाई दिया है!
जिस तरह अल्ट्रामैन जेड खुद को एक असंभव स्थिति में पाता है, उसका लंबे समय से प्रतीक्षित मास्टर वापस आ जाता है! उनकी दुष्ट योजनाओं को टुकड़े-टुकड़े कर दें, Z, Geed—और Zero!
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English Version | ULTRAMAN Z Episode 4 “The Second Robot Activation Plan”
★STORY↓ Anti-monster robot force STORAGE’s new asset, Special Craft No. 2, Windom, is finally complete. However, a problem with its energy charge prevents it from being launched.
Meanwhile, the Subterranean Monster Telesdon rampages on the surface! Even worse, Telesdon is enhanced by a mysterious power!
Can STORAGE and Ultraman Z overcome this challenge!?
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अल्ट्रामैन जेड Episode 4 दूसरी रोबोट गतिविधि योजना
★कहानी↓ एंटी-मॉन्स्टर रोबोट फ़ोर्स STORAGE की नई संपत्ति, स्पेशल क्राफ्ट नंबर 2, विंडोम, आखिरकार पूरा हो गया है। हालांकि, इसके एनर्जी चार्ज की समस्या इसे लॉन्च होने से रोकती है।
इस बीच, सबट्रेनियन मॉन्स्टर टेल्सडॉन सतह पर भगदड़ मचाता है! इससे भी बदतर, टेल्सडॉन एक रहस्यमय शक्ति द्वारा बढ़ाया जाता है!
क्या स्टोरेज और अल्ट्रामैन जेड इस चुनौती को पार कर सकते हैं !?
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English Version | ULTRAMAN Z Episode 3 “Live Coverage! The Monster Transport Operation”
★STORY↓ The Ancient Monster Gomora hibernates with lowered vital signs in a mountain where a tunnel is slated to be built. The anti-monster robot force STORAGE starts a major operation to transport Gomora to an uninhabited island!
However, when Gomora unexpectedly awakens, panic ensues!
Ultraman Z fights a dire battle against Gomora and the monster’s incredible power, but a new power arrives in an unexpected form…
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★कहानी↓ प्राचीन मॉन्स्टर गोमोरा एक पहाड़ में कम महत्वपूर्ण संकेतों के साथ हाइबरनेट करता है जहां एक सुरंग का निर्माण किया जाना है। एंटी-मॉन्स्टर रोबोट फ़ोर्स स्टोरेज ने गोमोरा को एक निर्जन द्वीप में ले जाने के लिए एक बड़ा ऑपरेशन शुरू किया!
हालाँकि, जब गोमोरा अप्रत्याशित रूप से जागता है, तो भगदड़ मच जाती है!
अल्ट्रामैन जेड गोमोरा और राक्षस की अविश्वसनीय शक्ति के खिलाफ एक भयानक लड़ाई लड़ता है, लेकिन एक अप्रत्याशित रूप में एक नई शक्ति आती है …
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English Version | ULTRAMAN Z Episode 2 “A Warrior’s Principle”
★STORY↓ STORAGE has a new mission: subdue the Transparent Monster Neronga, who can turn invisible. Haruki fights a hard battle against Neronga as the monster absorbs Sevenger’s power. In order to defeat Neronga, STORAGE must come up with a new strategy.
Can Haruki and Z really take down Neronga!?
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★कहानी↓ STORAGE का एक नया मिशन है: पारदर्शी राक्षस Neronga को वश में करना, जो अदृश्य हो सकता है। हारुकी नेरोंगा के खिलाफ एक कठिन लड़ाई लड़ता है क्योंकि राक्षस सेवेन्जर की शक्ति को अवशोषित करता है। Neronga को हराने के लिए STORAGE को नई रणनीति बनानी होगी।
क्या हारुकी और जेड वास्तव में नेरोंगा को हरा सकते हैं!?
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English Dub | ULTRAMAN Z Episode 1 “Chant My Name!”
Once, shards of evil called “Devil Splinters” were scattered across space, throwing the galaxy into chaos. At that time, Ultraman Z, a new member of the Inter Galactic Defense Force who sought out Ultraman Zero as a mentor, comes down to Earth while chasing the Ferocious Space Shark Genegarg. On Earth, the Anti-Monster Robot Force STORAGE is formed to face down the monsters that appear on a daily basis. In his first battle, Z merges with Haruki Natsukawa, a new pilot of STORAGE. Together, they rise up to protect the peace! However, behind the scenes, the parasitic lifeform Celebro has set a terrifying plot into motion…
★STORY↓ Haruki Natsukawa is a pilot for Global Allied Forces Japan’s robot unit, “STORAGE.” As he fights day and night to keep the peace on Earth, a new Ultra Hero alights before him!
That hero’s name is Ultraman Z (Zett). He’s a hot-blooded hero who introduces himself as the disciple of Ultraman Zero.
In the face of the Ferocious Space Shark Genegarg’s onslaught, the two imperiled heroes become one, and the story of a new Ultra begins!
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अल्ट्रामैन जेड Episode 1 तुम्हें मेरा नाम पुकारना है
एक बार, “डेविल स्प्लिंटर्स” नामक बुराई के टुकड़े पूरे अंतरिक्ष में बिखरे हुए थे, जिससे आकाशगंगा में अराजकता फैल गई थी। उस समय, अल्ट्रामैन जेड, इंटर गैलेक्टिक डिफेंस फोर्स का एक नया सदस्य, जिसने अल्ट्रामैन ज़ीरो को एक संरक्षक के रूप में खोजा था, क्रूर अंतरिक्ष शार्क जीनगर्ग का पीछा करते हुए पृथ्वी पर आता है। पृथ्वी पर, राक्षस-रोधी रोबोट फ़ोर्स स्टोरेज का गठन दैनिक आधार पर प्रकट होने वाले राक्षसों का सामना करने के लिए किया जाता है। अपनी पहली लड़ाई में, Z, STORAGE के एक नए पायलट हारुकी नात्सुकावा के साथ विलीन हो जाता है। साथ में, वे शांति की रक्षा के लिए उठते हैं! हालांकि, पर्दे के पीछे, परजीवी जीवनरूप सेलेब्रो ने एक भयानक साजिश को गति दी है …
★कहानी↓ हारुकी नात्सुकावा ग्लोबल एलाइड फोर्सेस जापान की रोबोट इकाई “स्टोरेज” के लिए एक पायलट है। जब वह पृथ्वी पर शांति बनाए रखने के लिए दिन-रात लड़ता है, तो उसके सामने एक नया अल्ट्रा हीरो उतरता है!
उस हीरो का नाम अल्ट्रामैन जेड (Zett) है। वह एक हॉट-ब्लडेड हीरो है जो खुद को अल्ट्रामैन जीरो के शिष्य के रूप में पेश करता है।
क्रूर अंतरिक्ष शार्क गेनगर्ग के हमले के सामने, दो संकटग्रस्त नायक एक हो जाते हैं, और एक नए अल्ट्रा की कहानी शुरू होती है!
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It was at this time in our world that cracks were first noticed to be forming in the space-time continuum. These were given different names, hole in the universe, plot hole, and some more. We had no idea that there was a force from another dimension planning a conspiracy with someone from our dimension. In the strange space beyond the universes, where Jarmo Dorak also disappeared, lies the “Land of Light”, where a species of warriors tries to ensure peace in the parallel universes. They call themselves the ULTRAMAN…
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Chapter 1 The story of the era when Ultraman Ribut, the elite of the “Galaxy Rescue Force”, was a civilization observer. Together with Ultraman Max, Ribut detects a strange sign on a certain planet… but it turns out to be a trap set by a vengeful enemy. Protecting Ribut, Max is in danger! At the same time, Ultraman 80 and Julian are attacked by Lugosite. They were just the beginning of the “great conspiracy”! Who is the mysterious golden giant (Absolute Tartarus) who is making a secret move? Will Ribut and the others be able to save Max and repel the enemy’s threat?!
Chapter 2 A long time ago, tens of thousands of years ago, the era of the Great Ultra War. Ultraman Ken (later Ultra’s father) and Ultraman Belial showed unyielding military exploits while the Monster Army led by the Empera Alien fought a fierce battle with the Land of Light. Belial can’t open up to Ken, who was a hero who fought alongside him, but was eventually appointed as the captain of the Space Guard and captured the heart of Ultrawoman Marie (later Mother of Ultra). Seeking more power, he goes on a rampage… At that time, a golden giant (Absolute Tartarus) appears and whispers: “Don’t you want to change your destiny?” Years passed, and in the Land of Light there was a scientist, Ultraman Tregear. Although he regrets not being able to join the Space Garrison and has mixed feelings for his best friend, Ultraman Taro, who is active as the “Messenger of Light,” he studies under the director of the Science and Technology Bureau, Ultraman Hikari, whom he respects. was encouraging However, when Hikari disappears, his destiny begins to change…
Chapter 3 After defeating Grimd, Taiga and the Tri-Squad, who are training hard in space, are attacked by the “ruler of Zetton”, the Space Terrifying Demon Zet! The tri-squad is in a desperate situation in front of the terrifying demon Zet who summons all Zettons and attacks them! In order to oppose the golden giant (Absolute Tartarus) who is behind everything, Ultraman Zero and his friends come up with a new countermeasure. And the Space Guard’s newcomer, Ultraman Z, joins his reliable senior, Ultraman Mebius, and others to confront a great conspiracy…!
The worlds were in the dark. This was not unusual, especially if it was a world like Kor Ywen. But even this darkness now seemed even darker than before. Was that possible? Everyone seemed to be wondering. It had been three tough years since Pupepa seized the Prostate’s throne. He and his sidekick Modofa Rascar Pecapac had ruled the Star Alliance with an iron fist. At the same time, they had managed to win over not a few of the inhabitants of the Usovai’i worlds. Compliant fools who were ready to die with guns in hand for Pupepa’s wicked ideology.
The Republic of the Free Worlds no longer existed. The unions were virtually wiped out. The age of a new galactic megalomania had dawned! Prostat Pupepa ruled the alliance with his powerful and simple-minded subordinate Pecapac. The latter had already personally subjected a number of star systems that had dared to resist the prostate. Pecapac is convinced of himself and believes that the gods have chosen him to become the heir of the universe. “Heir of the Universe” – this mysterious title came from an old scroll. Nobody knew exactly what it meant. Nonetheless, a radical sect had emerged, the ideology of which was based on finding this heir to the universe and shaping the galaxy as it wished.
It was in the middle of the night in this part of Kor Ywen when Dozon Rasun was woken from sleep. A roaring hum buzzed through the streets. Rasun looked out of the window. “The sky is gone!” He said to himself. Everything vibrated. The floor. The walls. The window. The furniture. He could feel it. What was that? He ran out of the room and across the hall, banging on a door with both fists. “Professor!” He called. “Professor! The sky is … gone! And we have an earthquake! Professor?” The pneumatic door opened. Professor Ostap Yefimov stood there, in his pajamas and dressed in a gown. “What does that mean, the sky is gone?” He asked. “Yes … gone … Everything is black. Look out the window!” Yefinov went to the window and pulled back the curtains. Kor Ywen was a huge, ugly city that covered an entire planet. The buildings were impressive, but a terrible monstrosity. But now this monstrosity was even more terrible. Otherwise there was life in the city, whether it was day or night. But now the city was dead. Yefimov’s hand had touched the window frame. When he felt the vibration, he backed away, startled. “It vibrates. And the energy … COMPUTER!” No Answer. The computer should have responded. That meant the energy had to be down. Very unusual. The building in which they were located belonged to the priority 1 buildings. This meant that there could not be a complete loss of energy here. The emergency energy should have started up long ago. “Oh holy spaghetti monster!” Rasun swore. “What is this?”
There was a low whistle. One of the control panels on the wall began to glow. “We have some energy back,” said Yefimov. “Yes! Yes!” Rasun agreed. He ran across the room to a computer. He pressed a button and the terminal started up. “Quick!” Yefimov demanded. “What is the angle vector of the moon?” Rasun sat down at the desk with the computer. He started typing on a keyboard. For the research work, this was more practical than voice input. He looked at the screen in front of him and paused. “Well?” Asked Yefimov. “Has the axis of the moon shifted?” “By more than 12 degrees,” Rasun said in horror. “But that … that must be a mistake …” “No!” Yefimov contradicted. “This is definitely not a mistake! This is an attack! I warned them that it would happen. The Ursupator on the prostate’s throne feels cornered. Now he bites like a rabid grubbancha! This is going on on his responsibility. “ “But that would mean he risks the life of …” “… of every creature on this planet, exactly! You got that right. But he doesn’t care about the people. The main thing is that he can keep the throne. He goes over corpses. I always said so, but at ASTROCOHORS they didn’t want to believe me! “ The energy came back.
“But what are we going to do now?” Asked Dozon Rasun. “I want to bet that there is a big battleship somewhere in the system. We have to find and shut it down. Or destroy it.” “Professor!” Rasun called. “Destroy it? We can’t …” “… destroy Prostate Pupepa’s super battleship? And why not? We’re in danger …” At that moment a flash of lightning lit up the sky. “Big Scott!” Yefimov exclaimed. “What was that? Can it be …” “Professor! Professor Yefimov!” A familiar voice echoed across the hall. Yefimov recognized the companion without having to look. “You saw it too, Fulmen?” Asked the professor. “How am I not supposed to see that!” Replied Fulmen Grancollin. “What did you just say about destroying the super battleship?” “Oh, no, do you think that’s a good idea?” Asked Rasun. “Do we have a choice?” Grancollin asked back. “What was that flash of lightning?” “LAHAP. They destroyed it.” “LAHAP moon base?” Rasun looked up at the sky. It was still dark, but now you could see a glow of light. Something shone brightly in the northern hemisphere of the moon Botriro. It had to be very large because it could be seen with the naked eye. “The moon base was basically a big dump for high-energy waste from the planet, wasn’t it?” Said Fulmen. “Yes,” Yefimov confirmed. “I think this vibration was triggered by some weapon. The high-energy garbage probably responded to it.”
“Professor! Fulmen! Dozon!” The next guest arrived. Fulmen turned. “Nat, did you wake up too?” Nat Anders went to the three men. She also wore a dressing gown. But she was barefoot. “Woke me up?” She said. “What do you think? It would have been rather surprising if I hadn’t been woken up! What happened?” “Look, the moon base has exploded,” said Fulmen. “This is an attack!” Confirmed Yefimov. “Another insane plan by Cofehaf Pupepa to expand his reign of terror.” “The professor said that a battleship must be in the system and that you should … turn it off …” Rasun explained. “Or destroy!” Added the professor. “Switch off or destroy!” “I still don’t like destroying,” Rasun admitted. “We would fight one of the most powerful armies in the galaxy.” “But I’m afraid we don’t have many alternatives,” said someone. From the dark came Zomm Arrghl, the Usovai’i. “What?” Rasun exclaimed. “Now you’re talking about it too? You Usovai’i should know the risk best!” “Oh, I do,” admitted Commander Arrghl. “However, I weighed this risk against the only alternative, namely to do nothing. Then we risk Pupepa becoming the ruler for life, he and his lapdog Pecapac.” “Pecapac is the crown prince anyway,” said Nat. “We both have to stop, otherwise we will get into the eaves from the rain.” “Should we really do that?” Said Rasun. “Our job was actually to research and provide information, wasn’t it?” “And there we have a problem,” said Arrghl. “This attack serves to paralyze the planet. The ASTROCOHORS CLUB facilities will no longer function properly. Reports to Earth will no longer be passed through and we will not be able to do our job.”
“Worse,” said Professor Yelimov. “The planets of the galaxy will sink into ignorance, and evil creatures like Pupepa and his friends will seize power. This will destroy democracy and sink the galaxy into darkness.” The five companions were silent. “How many were on the base?” Fulmen finally asked. “Three hundred and twelve,” replied the professor. “My comrades, we are pilgrims in a godless country.” “Pupepa and his henchman Pecapac would surely contradict you there,” Arrghl said. “Both consider themselves to be chosen by the gods. I never understood this kind of religious obsession. The founders of our glorious star empire never had this in mind when they wrote the constitution. And yet we are now facing one of the greatest dangers, the the alliance has ever faced. “ “Well,” the professor wanted to know, “will you follow me? We have to do something – for the beings on this planet, for the beings on other planets and for the poor who lost their lives up there on the moon base.” Everyone nodded. “That’s good,” said Arrghl. “Unfortunately, we don’t have much time left. If the attack continues to the same extent, we will run out of energy on the planet within a few days. Many of the ASTROCOHORS CLUB transmissions are already stuck. We have to hurry up.”
“Maybe in the future,” said Fulmen. “But … it’s not the future. It’s the present. In the present we have to fight for the future!”
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Start video to listen to the Music.
I ask that you call my name Ultraman Z
What is the most important thing to you I will defend it with all my life Who do you possess this power for I’m searching for the meaning of true kindness
Bored aliens that are running in rampage Giant monsters that are resurrected for excitement I won’t let anyone disturb the peace Hurry up, call out my name
I want to protect this planet I want to see your smile I don’t care if I’m wounded and fall Strong and kind Ultraman Z
Who is the final opponent to stand in the way The one to show the spirit of justice then bare their fangs The one who had obtained the ultimate power Where will they go, who will they fight Tell me
Join forces and go forth Is it an enemy or an ally As you waver, which will you be In order to bring an end to this conflict Growing up, the power of Ultra
This planet is weeping again Kindness is the true power Fight together, make a way to the future Passionate and intense Ultraman Z
I ask that you call my name
I want to protect this planet I want to see your smile I don’t care if I’m wounded and fall Strong and kind Hot and intense Ultraman Z Ultraman Z
Artist: Masaaki Endō
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